okay and no big deal even when top officials were sending it around on their work e-mails, their official accounts. this is incredible. can you imagine get thing at work from your boss? nobody saying anything about it bare chested group of dancing women, apparently in africa, michelle obama s high school reunion. what i did not see coming is how the conservative media would react to this same news. we re all working from the same set of facts. but look how this story comes out when you see it on the fox news channel. so it s not a story of institutional racism in ferguson, it s story of blood sucking local government that s trying to get every ounce of revenue that it can to feed its pensions. there are few companies in america, whether public or private, which if you sick 40 fbi agents on the company and review every e-mail you won t
work e-mails. were you and other reporters happy with her answers to the questions? i think there are still a lot of questions, and it seems we may not know the answers to them, jake because she retains control of that server. that s really the heart of it. that s why i asked this question. but she said she revealed actually this is something we didn t know before that when she went through the process of separating her government-related e-mails from the e-mails that she and her team deemed to be personal e-mails she or someone on her team deleted the personal e-mails. so i asked her really what would she do to what length would she go to prove she hadn t also deleted government-related e-mails. here s the exchange. did you or any of your aides delete any government-related e-mails from your personal account? we did not. in fact my direction to conduct the thorough investigation was to err on the side of providing
when the search was conducted, we were asking that any e-mail be identified and preserved that could potentially be federal records. and that is exactly what we did. and we went as i said beyond that and the process produced over 30,000 work e-mails and i think that we have more than met the request from the state department. the server contains personal communications from my husband and me and i believe i have met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private and i think that the state department will be able over time to release all of the records that were provided. right there. madam secretary, two quick follow-ups. you mentioned the server that is one of the distinctions here.
second e-mail account and carried a second phone, but at the time this didn t seem like an issue. second the vast majority of my work e-mails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the state department. third, after i left office the state department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work-related e-mails from our personal accounts. i responded right away and provided all my e-mails that could possibly be work related, which totalled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though i knew that the state department already had the vast majority of them. we went through a thorough
for her fans this is a time to her to polarize and divide and get her support behind her and i think she was trying to do that. i think there was a desire to show she was upset and say that the american public will understand where she s coming from. and i think we ll just have to see how that shakes out. but from her perspective, she will never win over the other side and she needs to shore up her base right now. and jonathan giving people answers is the right thing to do in terms of transparency and governance and politically wise because people all over the world people who like her, they want to know an answer for this and on covering government so much, she said we don t have to worry about any work e-mails that should be public would have gotten deleted or put in the personal category because they used a broad standard what lawyers would call in the