propaganda, in your words, and then during the question and answer thing, you made your address like that, and how did they respond? the room lost their mind. they started circling me. recording me with their phones. demanding to know what organization i was with who i was. what my name was. they were looking up my social media accounts. it was interesting. steve: then they called the police. which is interesting because the aclu sue sod people could film the police. when you film the aclu, they call the cops on you. exactly. so we had a room full of people who don t understand what the aclu stands for. steve: okay. and they are believing whatever they are told. steve: when the cops came, is it true they were laughing and shook your hand? one of the cops went inside to address the people with the aclu and others stayed outside. he took my name and address and shook my hand and left, yeah. steve: jennifer mcqueen who
we will talk more about his boggographer in a littl little . after he did what many have done in the past. elizabeth warren the senator from the great state of massachusetts said weeks ago real donald trump promised to keep bharara as the real prosecutor of manhattan yesterday fired. yesterday fired. why? ainsley: one of many tweets yesterday. bill clinton did this. one of them were jeff sessions. these are guys who don t agree with the president. if you work for the company and you find out somebody is investigating you within your company, you are out of the door, buddy. i m sorry. have you got to be loyal. have you got to be a family player. team player. this has happened to every administration in the past. republicandemocrats never had am with it. brian: in that tweet that went out, steve, do you have it in front of you. steve: i do. enough to i know what the
ended up being prosecuted by this guy. we will talk to him about what happened to the u.s. attorney for new york. brian: let s talk about what s happening today. the cbo score the plan put forward by paul ryan speaker of the house. they got their hands full passing it through the house. certainly going to have a challenge as they mark it up in the senate. however the cbo coming out with their score is going to be significant. the republicans are bracing everyone to say, listen, when it comes to coverage and comes to prices, they are way off on obamacare so don t look at them as the gospel although the person heading up the cbo was put there by president bush 43. here is bernie sanders because he likes talking. it is an sloo absolute disas. it is a disgrace. it has nothing to do with healthcare. this has everything to do with is a massive shift of wealth from working people and middle nook people to the very richest people in this country. in my view and what the
that she gave hillary campaign the answers to the debate. steve: crazy stuff. absolutely. busy day. steve: coming up on this monday, what happens when a conservative activist donald trump meeting. don t take one person s word for it don t take the aclu word for it think for yourself. there is a everyone larger picture here. steve: there she is talking. what did the aclu do? they called the cops on her. wait until you hear what happens next. brian: feeling the extreme case of the mondays. tips to spring forward and survive daylight saving. you can survive if you concentrate wake me up before you go, go i don t want to miss it wake me up i mean, really ready. are you ready to open?
steve: well, a conservative observer crashing an aclu stop trump meeting in the state of illinois. watch what happened. don t take one person s word for it. don t take the aclu s word for it. think for yourselves. there s a much larger picture here. steve: ginger mcqueen urging people at the meeting to think for themselves blavment did the aclu people do? they called the cops on her. she iyou went to this event and were covering the event. but at some point you just had heard what and decided to do what? at the end of the presentation, they had a question and answer session. steve: right. prior to the aclu s presentation that was being live-streamed. i chose to stand up and speak. steve: what did they say that