propaganda, in your words, and then during the question and answer thing, you made your address like that, and how did they respond? >> the room lost their mind. they started circling me. recording me with their phones. demanding to know what organization i was with who i was. what my name was. they were looking up my social media accounts. it was interesting. steve: then they called the police. which is interesting because the aclu sue sod people could film the police. when you film the aclu, they call the cops on you. >> exactly. so we had a room full of people who don't understand what the aclu stands for. steve: okay. >> and they are believing whatever they are told. steve: when the cops came, is it true they were laughing and shook your hand? >> one of the cops went inside to address the people with the aclu and others stayed outside. he took my name and address and shook my hand and left, yeah. steve: jennifer mcqueen who