decided to change their entire model and realize that their model was to try to follow msnbc and become the other resistance. i think it is sad because they ve made it personal, and their ratings are suffering because of it, and i think that they ve gotten every one of these hosts goes on air and tries to outdo themselves. the problem is, the prices drop as e not to be the resistance, they enjoy that role, they relish it.t. they always do it to republicans, they particularly due to trauma. it will get worse even when trump is gone. sean: think you both. a hard job you both have done. when we come back, the daily caller asks d.c. residents whether they would rather support a convicted felon or a trump supporter. hey! you know, progressive
shift, thexi proximity with syra and the iranians, how do you read that? another position that chuck schumer was for, as has every american president over the last couple of decades been for, moving the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. you know, listening to austan talk, it is not surprising, a position for the democrats, john kerry goes running over to iran to try to keep a deal going. it s almost like the schoolboy who kept giving money so he didn t get beat up by the bully and now he s running over and giving him more money to say, hey, don t tell people i was giving you money not to beat me up. this is absurd. the democrats position, we got to appease iran so they want to beat up people in the region. who s for us getting out of the iran deal? other middle eastern countries who don t want iran to be a nuclear threat and use it to threaten them. jason: gentlemen, thank you for this evening. i appreciate your insight.
true? of course t it s not true. jason: what doo you think they are going to do? what will he do without the united states? when you say without the united states, they will commence trading with iran. no, they will not. you think they will stop and just watch the trade for jason: what austan finish that thought. i still haven t heard him answer the question, do you believe in peace through strength. s our allies in europe, relying upon the united states were pretty much everything in terms of safety and security, how can they not follow our lead and austan, i want you to dive into the opening up of our embassy in jerusalem. okay. you have two different ones going there. in my opinion, iran has already announced that they are going to recommence industrial style enriching of uranium is going to
a pathway to staying here and i daresay citizenship. jason: you ve gone too far. congressman, thank you again for joining us. thank you for being with us. still to come, more on president trump s major week concerning north korea and iran is this special edition of hannity continues. ok. who can beat the san francisco guy for governor?
you may say i m a dreamer but i m not the only one i hope some day you ll join us and the world will live as one we can t be fooled into giving the north korean regime credit for returning americans that never should have been detained in the first place. it iss so troubling to hear president trump say that kim jong un treated the americans excellently. kim jong un is a dictator.