Chaka if a that, found guilty of corruption. How people in his district are reacting to the long time politicians, all from fall from grace. Stops in fill toy showcase his skills, for the sixers, then, appears on national television, and even though he hasnt been drafted yet, hes already signed a multimillion dollar deal. Is that the National Commercial already, we will play couple of them for you, pretty fun. Will he be a sixer by tomorrow night . And bob kelly has been studying him, quite closely. Doesnt it make me look smarter . But a last day of school. Last day of school. Last day. Take a picture every yourself right now, put down the cereal, pick up the camera, use the fox29goodday, and well share them in nine out of ten today, all of the weather drama is over, bus stop buddy, no more pencil, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks. Temperatures range from the 50s to the 70s, depending on where you live this morning, and having some issues, multiplying, actually, with fog, po
Or does affect someone. What we thought we knew or understood 80 years ago, or even 30 years ago was sometimes now no longer believed, or we understand differently. The symbols that we once embraced as a nation are now seen by some as offensive. The conventional wisdom that often undergirds our understanding of our past is often so simple as to be wrong or at least incomplete or debatable. So we challenge, we debate, and that really ticks people off. Which brings me of course to the civil war. In its place the legacy in american culture. I would offer it as a more complicated place. There is no event in our history we argue about more than the civil war. From its cause to its purpose to the details of 100 battles, we argue. We cant even agree on its name. Rephrase variously depending on the perspective of the namer, the war of northern aggression, the war between the states, the war of the rebellion which was once the official u. S. Government name for a good the war for independence,
Those who acknowledge complexities rather than simplicities . Or worse, deny the simplicities altogether . What happens to them . They are invariably assaulted in some way not physically, of course they are labeled unpatriotic. They are labeled unproductive divisive revisionist politically correct. Those of the words that we use as when somebody violates one of our cherished simplicities. We often react to that as a body does to an infection. We try to contain it and stamp it out, as your bodies does, and render it in her there is a great irony in that. It is our commitment to conventional wisdom and the simplicities of that all those things entail is that commitment to simplicity that invites contention. It backs argument. So it is our commitment to simplicity that provokes people to argue the complexity of these events. And so our history does not sit on like that platforms in museums. It is not embodied by statues in our parks or monuments on our battlefields. Instead, history rides
The confederacy fought to sustain and perpetuate differences. That its all between itself and the rest of the union. Thats what brought on the war. The differences. Those differences are very clearly laid out and statements of policy and practice. The confederate obstetrician, for example. One of the major differences between the United States constitution the confederacy got the attrition there is a six year term for president. I dont think they went to war over that. A major difference is the issue of the approach to the National Commitment of slavery. There were a number of characteristics that field this. When someone does not have the personal connection to the war stands back and says look, and they see the confederacy, they do not see as as young men wanting to defend their homes, they see a government committed to the sus is sustenance of White Supremacy and slavery in america. All people see it that way, but some do. Getting back to this question of policy. Union soldiers who
Bothersome debate. And maybe its a symptom of why so Many Americans are kind of put off by the war. Why do you argue about stuff like that . But lets look at those names in a different way. Each of those names represents a perfectly valid perspective on the war. And each is a potential gateway for americans to engage in this story. This worldchanging story. The problem is and for reasons that seem mysterious to many, people who are not inclined toward history the problem is we continue to throw barriers large and subtle in the way of those intellectual gateways into this history. We view the labels, these names as not able to stand side by side but mutually exclusive. If the war is a war of northern aggression, it cant also be a war for emancipation. But, in fact it was. It was all those things. And thats okay. So like our fellow americans our history always challenges us to be better. We draw strength and inspiration from those who risked and gave all for our communitys protection, ou