В Приамурье руководителя почтовых отделений заподозрили в растрате более миллиона рублей. В отношении 33-летней женщины сотрудники МО МВД России "Тындинский" возбудили уголовное дело.
В Хакасии подтверждены еще 6 случаев смерти пациентов, имевших диагноз COVID-19. Скончались женщина в возрасте 78 лет и две 88-летние пациентки, а так.
WBNUJS students launch Himmat initiative for awareness on anti-sexual harassment laws barandbench.com - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from barandbench.com Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
of how difficult these over the horizon counterterrorism strikes will be for us officials to carry out in the future. they ve said that will be their biggest weapon in targeting groups like al-qaeda or isis in the future. afterfour weeks in power, the taliban have recast the ministry of women s affairs as a new department to enforce strict islamic moral law. the building in kabul now bears a sign saying, ministry for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice . it came as videos posted on social media showed a group of women employees outside the ministry building, urging the taliban to allow them to return to work. our reporter sodaba haidare explained the role of the ministry during the first taliban regime. so they are in charge of morality crimes what they call morality crimes. and in the 90s, during the taliban regime, they had imposed harsh restrictions on people, and they had police that would go out on the streets on patrols
to carry out in the future. they ve said that will be their biggest weapon in targeting groups like al-qaeda or isis in the future. afterfour weeks in power, the taliban have recast the ministry of women s affairs as a new department to enforce strict islamic moral law. the building in kabul now bears a sign saying: ministry for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice. it came as videos posted on social media showed a group of women employees outside the ministry building, urging the taliban to allow them to return to work. our reporter sodaba haidare explained the role of the ministry during the first taliban regime. so, they are in so, they are in char-e so, they are in char-e of so, they are in charge of morality crimes, what they call morality crimes, what they call morality crimes. in the 90s, during the taliban regime, they had imposed harsh restrictions on people, and they had police that would died on the streets