The government of the peoples republic of china. I am so glad this delegation could come here to the United States and enjoy some of our hospitality, just as we enjoyed that in their country. I do appreciate them taking such good care of the pandas on the long trip and after they arrived at their new home. Zoo, theye national will be enjoyed by the millions of people who come from across the country to visit the Nations Capital each year. We too want to express appreciation for all of the hospitality that you have given us in your country, and we wish all your people well. And thank you very much for this the pandas, album, and for this beautiful picture, and best of all, for the gift of the pandas which all children whatever age will enjoy. And i include myself in that category. I noticed dr. Ripley is wearing a panda tie, and i have my panda pin on. Pandamonium is going to break out right here at the zoo. Thank you very much. [applause] next on American History tv, benjamin carp exam
Will get in the spirited on january 3, 1725 of a john keats walked into drinks tavern on water street, is sixyearold loyalist from Suffolk County 60yearold loyalist. It was an odd place for a loyalist to be, a popular hangout for seamen, and jasper drake was the fatherinlaw of a patriot. Case was invited into a , and they of politics decided to convince him his political views were wrong. When he would not back down, he was nearly pushed over with the force of their eloquence and noise. Seeking to restore order to the conversation, he said, well, lets discuss the issues going back to the message of the stamp act. Member of thea Tavern Company got annoyed with him and very impatient, and he said that, in connecticut, you would be put to death for those views. The patriots then said, we will not suffer a torry to sit in company with gentlemen, and they forced him to sit in a chair by the corner. Slavecalled over a young and try to order him in the corner, as well, saying case belonged to
Who invited case into a discussion of politics. When case would not back down sears and several of his companions nearly bowled him over with the force of their eloquence and noise. Seeking to restore order to the conversation, case said well, lets discuss all the issues at hand going back to the passage of the stamp act in 1765 and at some point one of the members of the Tavern Company from connecticut got annoyed with him and impatient and they said back home in connecticut youd be put to death for your views for supporting parliament in the imperial controversy. The patriots at the tavern then said, we will not suffer a tory to sit in company with gentlemen and they forced case to sit in a claire by the chimney corner. Sears then called over a young slave of drakes saying he belonged in the of slaves because he was a slave to the British Empire. He agreed formally to put case in coventry meaning none would be allowed to speak with him under forfeiture of a nip of toddy. Although cas
William Howard, who purchased Ocracoke Island back in 1759, had the same name as a notorious pirate who, decades earlier, was Capt. Benjamin Hornigold’s quartermaster and sailed with Blackbeard, but was this mere coincidence or were they one and the same?