Mar 10, 2021 7:57 AM
(OLNEY) A reminder from the Richland County TB & Health Office in Olney that if someone is on the first dose waiting list, but no longer needs the initial vacinnation, they should contact the TB & Health Office as soon as possible to have their name removed from the waiting list. However, those in Richland County who still need their first vaccination, the waiting list phone number is available weekdays, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 to 5:00 each day, by calling 618-320-1082. With second dose clinics scheduled for today and tomorrow, the Health Office in Olney is continuing to secure more vaccinations for a new first dose clinic next week. Stay up-to-date online at or on Facebook.
Newton, IL, USA / WIKK 103.5 FM The Eagle | Classic Rock
Mar 10, 2021 7:56 AM
(CHICAGO) The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) reported 1,510 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday with 16 additional deaths. The state’s new death toll due to the coronavirus is now at 20,781. For updates, go to, or if questions, call the IDPH HealthLine, toll-free, at 1-800-889-3931.
(CHICAGO) Governor J.B. Pritzker says the state is still not fully ready to completely re-open, however the attendance to outdoor sporting events has been increased. With several new variants of the coronavirus surfacing, medical experts say caution should be observed, even though the state’s positivity rate is slowly dropping and the statewide vaccination process is increasing daily. The Illinois Department of Public Health did agree to allow Illinois High School Association sports to have fans for outdoor events up to 20 percent capacity instead of th
Mar 10, 2021 8:03 AM
(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session this past Monday night. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved an ordinance amending the village sewer rates, increasing the price for a minimum user charge to $13.22 per month for the first 1,500 gallons and to $3.89 for the next 1,000 gallons and any fraction thereof : took no action on information that the Greater Wabash Planning Commission believes grant funds will soon become available for water line replacement and/or repair work – there was no objection by the Board to seek more information : noted that the village’s sidewalk project for North Noble Avenue is scheduled for removal the last week of March with concrete pouring set for the first week of April : reminded residents to please remove ground decorations from the Noble Cemetery by March 31 : noted that early voting by the Richland County Clerk’s Office will be held next Wednesday afternoon, March 17, from 4
Mar 10, 2021 8:10 AM
(SPRINGFIELD) A Clark County farmer has finished first in the Illinois conventional tillage class of the National Sorghum Producers (NSP) 35th annual yield contest with a 174.9 bushels per acre yield. Allen Walters of the Clarksville area planted his 1.5 acre plot to basically deal with a deer herd problem, but it ended up with the winning yield. Overall, Walter’s entire 72 acres of milo averaged 147 bushels per acre with a test weight above 60 pounds harvested at 18 percent moisture. Other winners in the yield competition included Jim Stoecklin in Bond County, Illinois for top honors in the state’s dryland no-till category with a yield of 173.5 bushels per acre. Ella Johnston of Pennsylvania won the national with a record yield of 245.8 bushels per acre. U.S. Farmers overall planted 5.88 million acres of sorghum last year, up 12 percent from the year before in 2019 and a four year high. With an average yield of 73.2 bushels per acre, up two-tenths of a bush