plan to run again at next year s festival. thanks for watching. i ll see you next sunday. [music playing] [jose] fofor our nextxt advent, mymy girls andnd i are in n ss amamazing capipital city, , mad. madrdrid. madrdrid. -[-[ines] whatat a view. -this isis amazing.. [carlolota] incrededible. [j[jose] thisis city has s beet the heart t of spanishsh cultur, hihistory and d of course,e, d for hundrereds of yearars. did yoyou know it t s also hoe toto spain s r royal famili. we are g going to fofollow a deliciouous and happppy fofood story.. this looooks so goodod. from cookikies commissssioned by a queueen. magnificenent. and thisis low roaststed la, a feasast for the e rich and powerfrful back inin the da. lelet me go ininside. to thehe food of t the peop, taststy, fillingng -oh,h, my god. -and affffordable, likeke patatas b bravas, a madridid creationn now loveved all overer the worl. mmm. along ththe way we are g going to vivisit ththe famous s street markt that helpeped to
in the heartrt of talibaban cou and brining g them h home. -the taliban is ruling accccordg to their conceception of islamicic law the most l literal, fundamenentalist cononception ththat you canan possibly y im. -t-the talibanan regime was ruththless. therere wasn t a anything that thehey wouldn t t do. -therere were eighght individus arrerested in afafghanistan. all eight from shelter now internationanal. -under islslamic law, , the cre for prproselytizining was dea. after we were arrested, they walalked us into this compound, and when they opened the door, there, s standing in front o of us, were abobout 35 to 40 afghghan women.. and d that was t the first t e i brbroke down a and cried.. -in n 2001, i was the e cia statioion chif in islamabadad, pakistanan, where i had responsibility for all intelligence-gathering operations in both pakistan and afghanistan. in a august of 2 2001, wewe first gotot word that thesese eight indndividua, including twtwo young ama
-as a former fbi agent and chairmrman of the e house inintelligencece committeee, i i had oversisight of allll6 of our n nation s inintelligee agencicies. my namame is mike e rogers. i had acaccess toto classifieied informatatn gathered b by our opereratives- people w who risked d everythg fofor the unitited statess and ouour familieses. yoyou don t knknow their f fs or t their nameses. yoyou don t knknow the reaeal ss from thehe people who lived d the fear and the e pressure - until . -therere s not a f fear as i in petrifieied. it s m more like m make sure u do e everything g you need t t. and d don t haveve any mistats oror failures s be becauseseu dididn t take e that extrara s. you u weren t wiwilling to pt in t the time. fefear of faililure isis motivatining for me.. ifif you faill in a c counterintetelligence a, it can h have nanational impmplications.. failurure at that t level. cacan mean losost lives. it s s a very imimportant vave toto me keeeeping peoplple , k
since the october 7th terror attack in israel there has been a spike in antisemitic attacks around the world, including in the united states. the fbi recently warned anti-semitism is reaching historic levels. its data shows jewish americans make up 2.4 of the public, but they re the targets of more than 60% of religious hate crimes recorded in this country. since october, jewish day schools have closed or had to hire extra security, synagogues have gone into lockdown, and college campuses in particular have seen a surge in antisemitic incidents, including some assaults. over the next hour, cnn s dana bash explores the roots of anti-semitism in america and how they ve spread. you ll also hear from some who have personally experienced threats and attatacks in the pa months and have started hiding their jewish identity in public out of fear for their safety. sunday, october 29th in southern russia. barely three weeks after the october 7th attack on israel by hamas, the deadlie
. mark: little america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty & levin saturday. i want to talk about mr. bobble head. not ladies and gentlemen joe biden got up in front of a microphone, like this and read the lines as best as he could. he started out by attacking donald trump is a dangerous man to attack our justice system will be will be an appellate process the jury decided of course the problem is that it was a jury there should never been a jury there should never been a case the prosecutor is a source prosecuted the case should have been dismissed the problem is you have a judge that is a biden judge. you have two individuals, two dishonest individuals who lack complete integrity. who are influencing a federal national election. joe biden is fine with that. i m glad to know joe biden is fine with that because apparently joe biden believes that is a precedent what took place in the new york coach. he s very happy with it. of the process play out. okay, let s let