and i m alex marquardt in washington. next up we have the whole story with arnd cooper investigating the whole history of the running of the bulls. good night. every summer, cities across spain participate in a centuries old tradition called the running of the bulls. it began as a way to transfer bulls from the country to inside city walls, where they were either sold or used for bullfighting. the most famous bull run is in pamplona. it s part of the san fermin festival. and it has attracted tourists from all over the world since ernest hemingway popularized it in his 1926 novel, the sun also rises. but the event is not without controversy. many of the bulls who run are later killed in the bullfighting ring. animal rights groups have been calling for an end to this in spain. and it s also dangerous for the people who choose to run. cnn s david culver, went to the san fermin festival to take a a closer look k at y ththis traditionon still hols after so many centuries, and
hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world as we continue our coverage of the israel/hamas war. i m rosemary church. it is 9:00 in the morning in gaza where the fourth day of a temporary truce between israel and hamas is now under way. and in the hours ahead, we are expecting the release of more hostages. monday is set to be the final day of this agreement, but hamas says it wants to extend the pause in the fighting beyond the four-day deal. a source tells cnn israel s war cabinet also discussed that possibility sunday night. day three of the truce saw the release of 17 hostages, including israelis and foreign nationals. the group included mothers and children and range in age from 84 to 4 years old. the youngest being israeli american abigail idan, marking the first successful release of an american hostage since the start of the truce. as part of the deal, an additional 39 palestinian prisoners and detainees were released
it s s brave. itit s ferocioious. it d doesn t bacack downwn from anytything. run.n. [mususic playingng] my firstst piece of f advice toto anyone isis don t runu. bill hillmann: when he hit me, i just shot straight up in the air, twisted in the air. tasio blazquez mutsaerts: when i fell, i just i was thinking, oh my, oh my. dadavid culverer: can t bebele i i m doing ththis tomorror. denis clancey: that bull can turn on a dime and come after you. bill hillmann: he smashed into daniel jimeno romero full speed, and gored him in the aorta, severered his aoror. denis clancecey: last amererin to d die in sanfermines, died right here. [chatttter] every y day, someoeone s lifes a lilittle alterered or compmpy altered because of this run. [screaming] [bells chiming] peoplele prepare all year for this. ththey train f for this. it s a sererious thingng. there e are bull r runs all l over spainin. but a lot t of runnersrs end upe in p pamplona bebecause theyeyg the biggest, the most fea
plan to run again at next year s festival. thanks for watching. i ll see you next sunday. [music playing] [jose] fofor our nextxt advent, mymy girls andnd i are in n ss amamazing capipital city, , mad. madrdrid. madrdrid. -[-[ines] whatat a view. -this isis amazing.. [carlolota] incrededible. [j[jose] thisis city has s beet the heart t of spanishsh cultur, hihistory and d of course,e, d for hundrereds of yearars. did yoyou know it t s also hoe toto spain s r royal famili. we are g going to fofollow a deliciouous and happppy fofood story.. this looooks so goodod. from cookikies commissssioned by a queueen. magnificenent. and thisis low roaststed la, a feasast for the e rich and powerfrful back inin the da. lelet me go ininside. to thehe food of t the peop, taststy, fillingng -oh,h, my god. -and affffordable, likeke patatas b bravas, a madridid creationn now loveved all overer the worl. mmm. along ththe way we are g going to vivisit ththe famous s street markt that helpeped to