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-as a former fbi agent and chairmrman of the e house inintelligencece committeee, i i had oversisight of allll6 of our n nation's inintelligee agencicies. my namame is mike e rogers. i had acaccess toto classifieied informatatn gathered b by our opereratives- people w who risked d everythg fofor the unitited statess and ouour familieses. yoyou don't knknow their f fs or t their nameses. yoyou don't knknow the reaeal ss from thehe people who lived d the fear and the e pressure - -- until . -therere's not a f fear as i in petrifieied. it's m more like m make sure u do e everything g you need t t. and d don't haveve any mistats oror failures s be becauseseu dididn't take e that extrara s. you u weren't wiwilling to pt in t the time. fefear of faililure isis motivatining for me.. ifif you faill in a c counterintetelligence a, it can h have nanational impmplications.. failurure at that t level... cacan mean losost lives. it's's a very imimportant vave toto me -- keeeeping peoplple , keeping g americans s safe, keeping ththis countryry saf. it's m my job. it's my jojob. [ gugunshot, shehell clinks ] ♪ this is the biggest case that i will ever be responsible for. i had no idea it would end up the massive investigation itit ended up p being. i'm s.s.a.a. jim gaylolord. i susupervise the coununter intelllligence sd in souththern califofornia. wewe were called to headquarter. they didn'n't tell us what it was about. befofore we coululd be exposd to t the informamation we were e given abouout this c, we w were pickeded to be e polygraphehed. that's never happened to me before. so i knew that the information itself was very sensitive. so they were taking extra steps -- ststeps that i i'd never had to t take beforere. -i can't't actually y tell yu how we g got the infnformatio. i'm m not tryingng to be coy, bubut we also o have to p protect ourur sources.. and we satat down, andnd we we told thahat china wawas stealg u.s.s. naval sececrets. kevivin moberly y is one of the firirst three a agents that w we had on t this case. -it t was aroundnd 2003 that i joioined the fbfbi. and imimmediately y upon arrivg toto the squadad, itit was evidedent that our numberer-one threaeat was c. -t-the fbi is s calling foforr help in ididentifyingg chinesese spies amamid growig evidenence that chchina is nw this natioion's greatetest intetelligence t threat. -china, obobviously, is a huguge country.y. it's a g growing couountry, it's assererting itselelf. momost informamation worthth hg is here e in the uninited stat. chinina is our l largest counterintntelligence e threa, easilyly. whatat was clearar from t the beginnining wawas that tecechnology ththas at risk wawas naval tetechnolo. -fbi headqdquarters asked ncisis headquartrters to senend an agentnt to supupport the i investigati. anand that hapappened to b be. ththe value ththat we brinig to t that fbi ininvestigation is t that we undnderstand the technonology, we undnderstand ththe navy platforms.s. i'm alalways motivivated to prpt ththe navy's t technologieis so t they have t that advantn. -so we l learned thahat there s a leakak inside ofof power para, whicich is a sububsidiary of l3 cocommunicatioions, a huhuge defensese contracto. about 95% % of their w work is u u.s. navy t technology, mostly in n electronicics. the techchnology that was b being leakeked to ca was navy destroyer information and submarine information. in thehe beginningng, we d didn't knowow exactly who o was the sosource of ththk at power p paragon. takeke a look at a numbeber of factotors. we looook at travevel. we l look at accccess. after wewe've sifteded througugh all the e informati, it came e down to onone perso. and it w was chi makak. -chi mak w was born inin chin. [ childrenen chanting g ] he m moved to ththe united s ss with his w wife. hehe became anan engineerr in sououthern calilifornia in t the 1980s..... as an emplployee of popower par. -chi makak was a verery good.. electricalal engineer.r. hehe was the g go-to guy in powerer paragon.. -c-chi mak hahad extraordrdinary accecs anand was highghly placed d at. he wasas trusted by the u.s. government experts. hehe worked wiwith them side by y side. -chi m mak workedd on somome of the m most sensite navy tecechnologies,s, technolos thatat would takake the navyvy into the e next cent. -we e know that t he gave the chininese governrnment infororn regagarding the virgininia class s submari, which isis our newesest sub. and d ddx informrmation, whwhich is ourur newest dedestr- the momost advanceced destroyr in t the world.. but the e most imporortant thg we werere leaving g power paran wawas quiet elelectric driri, whwhich is a t technologyy thatat is devoteted to quieteg the e acoustic s signaturess of navy shships, and e especiay nucleaear submarinines. -a submamarine is ofof no vale if the advdversary knows wherere it's at.t. ququiet electrtric drive would hahave given t the chine a a fingerprinint for thatat s movement t throughout t the ocn and d allowed ththem to tracac, and, eventntually, desestroy . -if a forereign powerr knows s the acouststic signate ofof a submaririne, then they canan kill thatat submari. quite e electric d drive wawas at risk.k. itit may have e already goge to chihina or may soooon go to chchina. -so thatat's why thehere's a a much greatater fear in failing to catch chi mak. -in 2004, , the chinesese didt have a s strong navyvy capabil. they were e really a brown-wawater navy,, a navy t that was abable to o operate in n shallow waw. and so t that chi mamak showows the chininese efforts to be ablele to expandnd theieir capabililities intoto blue wateter. -i-if these tetechnologieses ar, then it memeans we don't haveve that edgege. so, gogod forbid, , if there's'r a conflictct in the pacific thatat involves china wiwith s on the othther side, then i i believe t the lost technologygy will costst u.s. l. and that's's one of ththe this that makakes me angrgry. -in n the fbi, w we have to o w prprinciples, , policies, , and. and one ofof those is s we hae to have e the evidenence. our r greatest f fear, inititi, was will w we catch chchi mak doing whatat we thoughght he w was alreadydy doing? -t-the thing t that hit meme ht about thisis case wawas that we'e've got a m n who came h here for r better opppportunity,, and,d, in fact, , was a spyy sent b by china toto come her, pledge allegiance to the united states. he took an oath with the full intention of betraying it. he lived in this country for decades and was willing to put in danger members of our military. ththere was a a lot ofof pressure e on all of f . i wanted t to stop thahat lea. i i wanted to o stop chi m makm providining any morere informan ththat would e endanger u.s. navavy servicememen. that's's why i wananted to c catch him - -- to protectct our peoplple. ♪ -we decicided to fococus on chik anand his wifefe, rebecca,, becaususe all of t the indicats at w work narrowed it down to chi mak. he was the one who had access to the information that was being leaked to china. -we have to have the evidence. our greatest fear initially was, will we catch chi mak doing whwhat we thouought hehe was alreaeady doing?? -now, the e allegationon itselflf is not enenough to e able to o conduct a a search wat ininto a housese or to moninitor their r teleph. so on the chi mak investigation, we began by doing dumpster diving. -that's s one methodod that doet gigive notice e to the perern we're invevestigatingg that w we're invololved. we l look at it t when they y t know we'rere looking a at it. you'rere looking t through trh thatat's been sisitting there at leaeast a week,k, usually y in hot weaeather. ththere's maggggots, therere's smellsls, there'e's everythihing you cacan imagine.e. one of thehe ways thatat gunnr endeareded himself t to the ots on the s squad is hehe wasn't above dodoing the trtrash, eit, and hehe volunteerered to go and helplp. -it's alalways funnyny to go h, and d my kids wowould ask me, "how was your day?" and i'd tell them i'd been dumpster diving all day and d it didn't sound like a real respectable profession, but that's what we do. -we realalized that t we needeo have 2 24/7 surveieillance covoe of chi makak and his w wife. we neededed to undererstand where chi i mak was, who o is associaiates were,, how he gotot from one e place to anotherer, where hehe wen, anand what he e did whenen he went t to those loloc. inin order to o do that, you haveve to rely o on jujust good, o old-fashionod physysical surveveillance. [ camera s shutter clilicking] -c-chi mak's l life rerevolved aroround his wowo. he d didn't haveve a social le ththat we coululd see. he dididn't even k keep in muh contntact with h his brother, tai mak,k, who also o lived he in los a angeles clolose to chi. chi mak would go home, and he andnd his wifee would spend long hours in there. rebecca wouldn't leave the house without him. -rebececca would l look out t her windowow every day and spenend lots of f time inin the housese. wewe felt thatat maybe shee was prprotecting s something, thatat she didn'n't leave the housuse -- thatat she was g guarding it. -chihi mak and h his wife lived exextremely sisimple liv. ththey cut cososts everywhwhe ththey could.. small home, never improved upon. about 700 square feet total, counting the garage. -chi mak made between $80,000 and $100,000. that's a fairly good living during that time frame. we would have discussions during the investigation about the fact that chi mak was a maoist. and d because ofof that, itit dictated d a frugal l life. -chi g grew up in n the time of the c cultural rerevolutio, a titime when chchinese acadads were lookeked down on.n. that t the labor m movement, those lalaborers were thehe ones thatat were gog to f forge the f future. -thahat lifestylyle was somemeg ththat wasn't t engrainedd into b both chi anand rebecca when thehey were raiaised in ch. -as we d do surveillllance of , he w would regulularly pulll into a a gas statition. anand we thougught he was s dg countersururveillance e becaue he would w wash the wiwindows every timeme he got gagas. we thougught that gagave him a 360-viewew perspectitive of w what was araround him.. inin the end, , in hindsigig, he j just didn't't want to py for a a car wash.. chi mak wowould travelel evey sasaturday intnto a hardwaware . soso i made ththe opinionn thatat he was memeeting with a forereign intelllligence offr in therere. but t that turnened out not to be e the case.. whatat it turneded out is, w we actually p put a body y in the, that chi m mak was cheheap. ththe store gagave him freree c, and thatat's why hehe went everery week. -sure.e. sure. from time e to time, w we'd do. -t-the investitigation wasn't goioing well. i wasn't't sure ththat we werere on the riright. from t the beginnining of the e, we saw n no communicication betn chchi mak and d anyone in n c. but you hahave to be p patiet for your o opportunityty. if we pupush any morore, we might r reveal oursrselves to chi makak. so it's a a waiting gagame. wewe're waitining for the e nexe he s steals infoformation and trieies to send d it to ch. -i-i believe j jim was undnr a lolot of pressssure. you haveve to remembmber we werere using a a lot of mana. -there w were timess when i t thought, "arere we gonna a reach the ed befofore someonene pulls thehe " ththat the casase wouldndn't advancece quickly e h anand we wouldld lose our r ress and susupport. thatat worried m me. at t that point,t, i knew wewe d to get a l look insidede his ho. wewe had to dedevelop the e t of t the picturere. afteter we startrted the trah and d surveillanance, we statarted writiting up oror affidavitit for the f fisa. -the f foreign intntelligence and susurveillancece act allos nationonal securitity organizazs toto conduct s surveillancne to detect t foreign gogovernmes spyingng on the ununited stats or c committing g terrorism. it's's a court,, much l like crimininal court. so i in order toto get the a ay toto monitor s somebody's s tel, you haveve to have a a warran. and inin it, it exexplains that i belelieve chi m mak is commimitting espipionage for the fofollowing rereason. -after fivive months o on the c, we got a authorizatition to t tap his telelephone lins and to go o inside of f his hoe and do a a covert sesearch. we were lilistening to everyry phone calall ththat came inin and ouout of that t house. -which l led us to l learn ababout a tripip that he wawas taking t to alas. -w-when we fouound out chi mak anand rebeccaa were goioing to alasaska, i bebelieve the e first thouot on e everybody's's mind was, "he must b be going opoperation- potentntially meeteting a handr toto give infoformation."" ththat's very y typical trtradt for a spspy. -so we tooook the safefest cou. we wenent agents a along with m who o would watctch them and make s sure they d didn't t oror pass any y informatioin to othther people.e. and from w what we couould te, they didn'n't pass anany informatation. but the e alaskan crcruise, thas our r opportunitity, i knew, toto go insidede his housese co. we had to see what he had stored, who his contacts were, if he had any letters or correspondence with people in china. that wasas an importrtant momt in thehe case to g get insid. thisis was our o opportunity to go o in and seeee what he h. -aftfter five momonths on ththe, we got authorization to tap his telephone lines. and to g go inside o of his hoe and dodo a covert t search. doing a covert or surreptitious entry into a home is a very complicated affair. it's not like the ninja movies you see. -thehere was a l local park k te had set upup the command post i. that was the brains of the operation. that's w where it all was going to, , basically,y, be coordinated from. and i remember pulling into the park and kind o of taking in the visual scene. they had these majestic trees. i wawas the firsrst one ther. and i woululd be lyingng if i saiaid that i w wasn't ner. -we had to be absolutely certain that w we were ablble to g get into ththe house, search t the house,, and geget out of t the house without t being caugught. in o order to dodo that, we needed d to make susure thae realally fit intnto the naturl papatterns of f that neighghbo. the fbi wewent to farr as to o obtain a v van ththat lookedd just likike chi mak'k's van that we used to approach the home. the idea being if a neighbor were to look out, they would just assume that chi mak was coming home and would go back to sleep. -you need a huge number of people watchingng the neighghborhoo, making sure somebody doesn'n't walk up p on you by accidenent. you've gotta watch out foror dos and teenagagers, as s strange as s it may souo. teenagagers can cocome and go at anyny time of t the night, and the e dogs can b be barki. neighbors s get up toto smoke on n their porcrh or use t the bathroom. so it's a very complicicated ballet of controlling when you go in and when you leaeave. you cacan't just come and go. -i r remember ststanding in the comommand post and taking stock of everything going on around me, and ththen realizizing just h how complexex this operen rereally was.. alall of the m moving partrt- any y one of thohose things s , and yoyou're done.e. -when you go inside the house, you u can't leavave a tracee that youou've been there. fofor instancece, if the coffe table is very dusty, you can't scoot something bebecause thenen you've lelt another trail l in the dusus. that if f they realally know ththeir house, they'r're gonna come back and s, "how did that thing get moved?" -and, literally, there was dust on things, and the e fbi would d spray dt to replace t the dust wewe'd md so it cocouldn't be e detecte. ifif you leaveve the room m exy how you u left it -- pretty i impressive. -when we w went ininto chi makak's house, we werere surprisesed at t the amount t of informatn that he had taken and stored in his home. this housese was dense with documents. he had them stacked by the front door, on the kitchen table, in his bedroom, in his computer roroom, a secocond bedroomom -- alall over thehe house. when i i saw that t much inforon in there, , i felt valalidate. a lot of research,h, a lolot of manpopower had gogono this firstst entry into the hou. and this was validation -- ththat, again,n, we werere onto thehe right per, that we hahad a guy who was cocollecting i informat. and ththis is the e informatin thatat we thoughght was at r , ththat may havave already y e to c china or may soooon go to chchina. -t-the search h of the houoe confnfirmed he w was stealing infoformation, but we d didn't haveve the prf that he e was commititting esespionage, and ththat would i include givit toto a foreigngn governmene. we couldld prove thahat he stol, we couould prove t that he trar, but we cououldn't provove ththat he travaveled wiwith the clalassified dodocu. that wasas the next t step. ththat was thehe smoking g n that w we needed t to go to the next l level. -after thehe covert enentry, the nextxt big breakak happend when w we recoverered somemething fromom the trash. -w-we were looking throuough chi mamak's trashh fofor almost a a year bebefore we fofound any real high-value evidenence. -amomongst the t trash, we found a lot ofof tiny littttle pieces s ofr with chinenese charactcters on . -o-on that giviven day, special l agent jessssie murry frfrom the fbibi had, in t the , laid out a a bunch of pieces s of paper,, anand she was s putting them togogether likeke a puzz. and she cacalled me ovover. shshe said, "g"gunnar, cananu hehelp me withth this?" i i remember m making someme e ababout how i i could readad ch. but i caugught the thrhree lets at thehe bottom that said d "ddx," anand i said, , "of courses, that's about the navy's next desestroyer." we translated that note, and the note went from being a note to being a tasking list. whicich clearly demonstratated t chi mak k was receiviving guide or directition to s steal what t he was stete. -a t tasking lisist is someteg ththat the hanandler, ththe foreign n governmentt gives s the indivividual and s, "thesese are the t technologis thatat we want."." anand in his c case, hehe received d two lists.. the other r list wawas typed inin chinese,, specificically telliling him, "c"collect thihis informatatn onon a disc, p put it togeget, and thenen give it t to us." we learneded later thahat the tasking anand instructction shs originateded from chi i mak's handler inin china, mr. pupu pei-liangng. the twtwo sheets w were delived in a an orange-y-yellow healalt. chi mak opened up the book, and inside were these two lists. i thought at the time we were extremely fortunate that chi mak tore up a note that, , if he were stopping and thinking about it, he would have burned or shredded or disposed of in a way that we couldn't have found. very little was ever in his trash, bills s -- that sort of thing. to find that tasking list one time, that wasas one of ththe big miss he m made. whwhen i foundnd those twowo s and i knknew that wewe had a tag listst and a setet of instruruc, that valididated the w whole invevestigation n up to thatat . i knewew nobody wowould questn our r investigatation, that w we were on n the right t. anand i knew g going forwawd that w would meann we wouldld continuee to get r resources toto take it t to its lological concnclusion. ♪ -we were looking through chi mak's trash for almost a year befofore we founund any real high-h-value evididen. -f-finding thehe trash withth the taskiking note and the e instructioion sheet was the momost signifificant fd we had,, 'cause i it showed h he was stl spyiying for chihina. -finding the tasking notes in his trash allowed usus to use momore obtre invevestigative e tools. -during g this invesestigatio, chi mak anand his wife took t three vacatations, whicich gave us s opportunitis toto go into t the home. ththe first opopportunity,, we went into thehe home, and we s saw all thehe paperwk ththat he had d stacked upp from work. the secocond opportutunity wewe went in,, wewe planted m microphoness in thehe house. the third d time we wewent in is whehen we put c cameras in the hououse, as welell. -instatalling clososed circut televivision camereras was a chchallenge. you u can imaginine how well you knowow your own n room. toto be able t to go in toto thm and ininstall somemething as invasasive as t the equipmement neededd toto record clclosed-circucui, itit's difficucult. -we watched their daily life, what wasas going on at home. and d how they d dealt withth each other as hususband and w wife wawas really u unusual. we neverer saw an ininkling of affection between them. there was no hand-holding, pat on the back, hug, kiss -- none of that. that kind of relelationship kind of made us wonder is this actually a marriage in the ordinary sense, or is itit more of a a contra, more o of a partnership, more sometething that the chihinese goverernmet had put togetherer to sererve its own purpose. in our investitigation, wewe ao started following his brother, tai mak,k, his sisteter-in-la, fuk li,, and eveven his nepephew, billyl. -we knew that tai makk playeded a role because the surreptitious searches gave us information about who tai mak was and what his role was. -we bebelieve that tai mak and his family wewere sent toto the united sts in 2001. tatai mak's job was to b be the e courier of information that t chi mak stole. -tai m mak was an integral part of this operation. now that we had the list, we continue every technique that we'd been u using, waiting fofor the next time he s steals infoformation and trieies to send d it to ch. but you u have to bebe patiet for yourur opportuninity. you dodon't know if it's s gonna be n next wee, and yoyou have to o be ready for thatat, or it could be next year. -we e received a a phone call from t the surveilillance persrl that they had someme video of chi mak and rebecca sitting at the dining g room table, copypying disks.s. -that was the day we knew, "okay, big b break. something is going on here." in the surveillance tape that we saw of chi mak and rebecca makingng the disks, chi mak wawas making t the dis, bubut rebecca a was constatay ovover his shohoulders, nagging g him ababout what h he was doining g or how he e could do i it bett. -thehen it was q quickly disiscd that, inin fact, thehey were d discussing g copying dis and d giving thehem to his brot. hohow they were going to take these disksks back to o chin. -based on information we had, we believed the quiet electric drive, the very sensitive navy submarine data is on that disk. -tai makak then took that t disc homee anand gave it t to billy, , hi, who o was in chaharge ofof the ibm t thinkpad lapto, which hahad the encrcryption prm onon it. -tai m mak wasn't t so good atag the encrypyption on his own, soso we don't t believe bibiy was s originally part of t the . but tatai mak askeked his sono help h him encryptpt the informn thatat his unclele, chi mak, had gigiven him. we found out that fuk li had made some calls and d then calleled her husbsbad said, "we're goingng to china." the very next day, tai mak called the handler, pu pei-liang, in china.. -pu u pei-liang g was happy. he said, "hey,y, when you u la, call my cecell phone n number" it's a n number we s saw repeaty ththroughout t the case. and theyey hung up.. and a a few days l later, tatai calls hihis brother,r, ch, and saysys, "brotherer, i'm m going to c china." -we e briefed ththe head of fy nunuclear reacactors, and d he, "the quiet elelectric drivive can'n't leave ththe united s s. yoyou must stotop it fromom leaving t the united d s" -q.e.d.d. was too o sensitive and wawas the deciciding factr that we hahad to make e an arrt then.. -quite honestly, there was a lot of relief, because e we finallyly hit the e inin the investigation w wher, aha,a, we got 'e'em! we f finally gotot 'em! and nonow we get t to do sometg about it. -when we h hear this w whole ses of e events gogo on in thehe past weeke, we'r're very excxcited. chi i mak has bebeen steaealing inforormation that puts s u.s. liveses at ri. and we werere gonna ststop hi. we w were gonna a finish with a comomplete casese, a tr, and d a conviction. ♪ -he compiled three disks of information onto one disk with the intention to give it to the chinese government. we believed the quiet electric drive, the veryry sensitiveve navy susubmarine dadata is on thahat. -and a fewew days lateter, tai cacalls his brbrother, chih, and d says, "brorother, i'm going g to china."." -that's s what was t the final w toto say, "we e had to arrrrest" -to o complete t the chargee of espspionage, wewe have to s show the cocome cycycle -- thahat you've s stol, anand then youou've transfsfed to a foreieign power.. byby watching g tai tatake the infnformation anand go throuough securiti, we're ablele to complelete thatat charge ththat he is nw commmmitting espspionage because hehe's flying g to cha inin order to o give it awaw. -t-the operatition to arrerest k and his s wife at lolos angels internrnational aiairport was extrememely complilicate. -it't's not just taking dodon one peperson in onone place. wewe had to dodo multiple e ars simultaneously. wewe were gonnnna have to o make we knenew where chi and rebebea were, fofollow billyly, tai, fuk all atat the same e time. prioior to the a arrest of tai andnd fuk at ththe airp, we w were doing g heavy survrvee of them as thehey approacheded the airp. billy drovove them, dropped them offff, and leftf. as they wewere at thehe airline c counter, wewe had an ououter ring of surveveillance pepersonnel who notiticed an asisian male standing on the sidedewalk at l.a.x. -- outsidede, filmining them thrhrough the w . -h-he's at an n airport, and he's v videotapingng people in line in front of him. why would he do that? -we told t that unit t to sty on that ununidentified man, and the ininside unit would d stay on fufuk and ta. they follolowed them through h security.. and thenen we made t the arre. -and that t went very,y, very s smoothly. very q quiet, not t like tv, no guns fired, bubut very -- - very -- a very q quiet arresest. -what t was intereresting is that manan watched t the arre, sasat down, and stararting usingng his pho. -and he lolooked bewildered. he looked d completelyly confu. and duduring that t time, we we ablele to go thrhrough his t tee anand learn momore about h h. -h-his name wawas mr. luo.. he h had five tetelephones o o, and he wasas texting p people in china a about his p progre. thisis was frosting on the cake for us. wewe didn't rerealize that they y would haveve survrveillance p personnel watchingng their ownwn people for sisigns of comompromise. and it a also confirirmed the e importancece of this d dey to c china that t they wouldlde somebody w watching itit. -at ththe airport,t, we searchce babag of tai a and fuk li,i, hi. in the piece of luggage, they had a small book titled "how to speak american english." and in it, they had two out of three cds. and they're the type of disk you'd learn to speak english. you put it in your computer, you'd spit out words, you coululd talk bacack to i. and inststead of having the e third disksk, theyey had the d disk thatat they copied and encncryp. pretetty ingenioious, ifif you thinknk about it. anany inspectotor would open the e book, lookok at it quiui, see the twtwo discs, and move a ahead. -when n tai mak anand fuk heuni entered ththrough secucurity atat the rightht moment, all of thehe elementss were in n place to t take them . all coordidinated at t the samee withth the exactct moment of the arrrrest of chihi mak anand rebecca a at their h ho. -and it was about 11:30 at night. we showed them the search warrant and the arrest warrant. we told ththem what t they were u under arrese. thenen we transported themem o the e fbi officece to be proroc. -after f following s someone around foror two yearsrs and d getting toto know them withouout ever spepeaking to t, it makes t the first c conversan quitite an awkwaward one. jim gaylorord and gunnnnar newqt would d finally hehear from chc, his own n mouth, what his s story was.. -ok.k. -thihis one was s -- -and when jim asked d him ththe questionon about thehe , hehe was shockcked by it,, so he stararted muttering whatever he cocould think k f to d deflect frorom us. a great t moment iss when he e reads that tasking li, and hehe grabs foror a cup of tea thahat's been e empty for r 40 minuteses, anand he sucksks it to hisis h just to gigive him morore tie toto think abobout what hihis r is gonnana be. -hard d to explainin how you wd have such a a list in yoyour th and then to be typed in chinese. -very hard for chi to explain. we t thought we e had him. we really thought he wasas goig toto turn and talk t to us at that point, but hehe didn't. he dug h his feet inin, and itit was fruststrating. it was frurustrating 'cause w we knew --- wewe knew that he knew we had h. anand we all knew that he was lying, and he just refused to... refused to open up. whwhen i intererviewed chi mk fofor the secocond time withth omar lopepez, anotother ncis a agent, i'llll never fororget wawalking intoto the jail and chi wawaved at me.e. very unususual to seee chi mak k waving. i i really thohought that t thy our intervrview had enended twtwo eveningsgs earlier that he wowould neverr want t to talk to o me again. but ththat day, hehe waved, and he w wanted to t talk. so we e brought hihim in, and we dididn't reallyly have a a great plalan for how we wananted to talalk to chi. we just ststarted talklking tom about t the navy and uniteded states tetechnolo, and wewe built rapapport. -chi mak w wanted to b be the e smartest m man in the e . itit was realilized that c chk wanted to be "the professor."" and d so we, theherefore, haho puput ourselveves into a p posn of being t the studentnt in orr to getet chi mak to open up.. for chi i mak, ego was the e key to opepening him. -whehen we flattttered him about the work he e did, he wanteted to talk more aboutu. and d as he talklked more ababo, we talked d about the e signifie it wouould have toto china. anand we askeded, "did youou t to help ththe chinese?" he s said, "absosolutely." and ththen my respsponse was, "butut wouldn't t that also ht the e united statates navy?" and he e eventually y came arod and sasaid, "i gueuess you're e. i can'n't help chihina with nt hurtining the unitited states s" -well, for a lot of different reasosons. the first t reason was we werere doing itit at t the santa a ana prison. anand when we e went over r t, we never e expected hihim to t. and d it was notot ncis poliy to record all ofof our intererv. anand it just t wasn't ourur md of operaration. when chihi mak finally confesessed to mee thatat he had bebeen passing sensitivive informatation to ch, partrt of me wasas delighted. this w was a breakakthrough. ththis was somomething we'd been n working atat for a a long perioiod of tim, and now hehe was telliling the e truth. papart of me w was angry,, was pipissed, because hehe was puttiting sais intoto a really y vulnerable positition -- only to sasatisfy his s own e, onlyly to get ththe gratificicn ofof talking t to people about ththe work he e had don. he had no o regard for these e sailors' s safety and secucurity. -once e we made the arrest of chi mak and his family, then it wawas a waitining peri. and it wasn't until a year and a half laterr that we went to trail. but we were gonna dot every "i" and cross every "t" to make sure there were no gaps, nothing that could be taken advantage ofof to derailil the . because ththen i'd feeeel gui. feel guilt for letting these people get away withth what they did for d deca. -a defense contractor is now on trail. he's accccused of ststealing criticalal u.s. navyvy technoly for r the chinesese governmem. -the trailil went veryry smooty from o our end. we h had excellelent governmnt wiwitnesses anand special l matter expxpe, enengineers asas witnessess to whahat chi mak k was doin. and, of f course, a lot of a agents tookok the st, includuding myselflf, to tesestify aboutut what we'e'd seen anand what we'e'd recoverer. in the endnd, chi mak k was convnvicted of e every singlglee thatat was brougught againstst. -victoryry today fofor federal l prosecutoros as a formemer defensee induststry engineeeer, chi ma, was fofound guiltyty of conspspiring to e export u.s. defefense technhnology to communinist china.. -when chchi mak was s found guilty.... ...allll of the fafaith that w d to put intnto this invnvestigan frfrom the verery beginninig was s finally jujustified, finally y paid off.. -the cononviction ofof chi mk on all c charges by a jurury of his p peers was s extremely y satisfyingng . it wasas a huge wiwin for the whole e intelligenence bra. -once the decision had come out ththat chi wasas guilty of the chaharges, the rest o of the famimily came i in on a plelea deal. the mak k family was all chcharged togegether. all l pled guiltlty to agent of a fororeign goverernment, internatioional traffific and d arms regululations, consnspiracy, false ofofficial statatement. -chi m mak is currrrently servra 2424-plus yearar sentence e in . -the rest t of the famamily hahas served o out their s sene and have b been deportrted to c. chi got a a just sentetence, anand we learnrned a greatat l about the e chinese memethods ofof operationon. the mak cacase really y demonsts how w the chinesese used famay toto commit esespionage. in a f family, youou can truste anotother, you k know who ththe. it allowows them to o have nanatural relalationships.. bubut the resusults ofof our invesestigation isis we caughtht a familyy who wawas committiting espiona. we caught t a family o of spi. -thihis ended upup being a a milestone e case. itit showed ththat we could convnvict peoplele on thehese sorts o of charge. and d since thenen, acroross the couountry, we've e been ablee to sucuccessfully y charge anand prosecutute people for espipionage anand espionagage-type criri. -chi m mak stole sensitivive navy infnformatin and gave i it to the c chinee governmentnt for over r a deca. -the t technologyy that chihi mak gave e china significanantly reduceces the , ththe technolological gapp betweeeen the unitited states y and d the chinesese navy. -a minor i incident could spspark a war.r. ththe words ofof china's n nl commmmander quototed in statatea on f friday afteter top-levevels with thehe u.s. over t the south c china sea. beijing g sounding o off a warnrning to wasashington afteter a u.s. w warship saiad closose to manmamade islands claimed d by beijingng this we. wiwith only 5555 vessels in wasashington'ss westerern pacific c fleet, u.u.s. ships i in the regign are ououtnumberedd morere than fiveve to one byby . for r now, both h sides haveve d to f follow guididelines to avoid c clashes. but beneatath the diplplomac, tetensions arere simmeringn. -i'm'm certain t that there ee mamany other p people likeke ck in the u united statates workinn bebehalf of chchina -- absbsol. -there a are peoplee in this s country whwho are gaththering defefee ininformation n to take baback, to h help their r countriess develop p their own n edge to compete wiwith the uninited sta. -yes, , there are e a lot of p e out t there working on behalalf of china.

Related Keywords

It ,Dust Wewe ,It W ,Wasnsn T Just ,Knowing G ,R Ress ,Deal L This Was T ,Spepent A Lolot ,Knknowing Ththat ,Ofof Resourceses ,Y You Kn ,Weaeapons Trafffficker Ofoff ,S Spreading ,Everyrybody Thougught ,We Coult Puput A Case T Together ,Playaying Field ,Monzer Al L Kassar ,Accecs Anand ,Job ,Energy A ,Thought W ,Energrgy ,Tell Agentst ,Everybybody Thoughght ,We Wowould ,Youour Imaginatation ,Imaginanation Willll ,We Couldn N T Get Him M ,Onlnly Limitedd ,Create Luluck ,Yoyou ,Hit Ththat ,Ththat ,Anand You May Y ,1000 Timemes ,Outut Ther ,Goingng ,Dow ,Perers ,Swingingng ,Thehe Fence ,1000 ,1001 ,Agent ,Fbi ,Inintelligee Agencicies ,Chairmrman ,House Inintelligencece Committeee ,Ii ,Oversisight ,Mike E Rogers ,Allll6 Of Our N Nation ,My Namame ,Toto ,Unitited Statess ,D ,People W ,Thehe People ,Classifieied Informatatn Gathered B ,Everythg Fofor ,Fs ,Our Opereratives ,Ouour Familieses ,Yoyou Don T Knknow ,Nameses ,Reaeal Ss ,Acaccess ,T And D ,Fear ,Therere ,Everything G ,E Pressure ,Lived D ,Petrifieied ,Dididn T Take E ,Extrara S You U Weren T Wiwilling To Pt In ,Failures ,Don T Haveve ,Mistats Oror ,Ifif You Faill ,Ac Counterintetelligence A ,Level ,Faililure ,Failurure ,Isis Motivatining ,Fefear ,Nanational Impmplications ,It S ,Keeeeping Peoplple ,Dime ,Keeping G Americans S Safe ,Cacan Mean Losost ,Very Imimportant Vave ,Ththis Countryry Saf ,Gugunshot ,Jojob ,Shehell Clinks ,Investigation Itit ,Case ,Idea ,P Being ,Jim Gaylolord ,They Didn N T ,Headquarter ,Secocond Opportutunity Wewe ,Souththern Califofornia ,Coununter Intelllligence Sd ,Information ,We W ,C ,Befofore We Coululd Be Exposd To T The Informamation ,E Polygraphehed ,Pickeded ,Steps ,We G , T ,Sources ,Infnformatio ,Take Beforere ,Bubut ,O Have To P Protect Ourur ,Agents ,Kevivin Moberly Y ,Thahat ,Andnd ,China Wawas Stealg Uss Naval Sececrets ,Three ,One ,It T ,C T ,Ididentifyingg Chinesese ,Help ,Imimmediately Y ,Chchina ,Calling Foforr ,Spies Amamid Growig Evidenence ,Numberer One Threaeat ,The Squadad ,Fbfbi ,Arrivg ,2003 ,Handler Inin China ,Beginnining Wawas ,Counterintntelligence E Threa ,Chinina ,Momost Informamation ,Uninited Stat ,Whatat ,Country Y It S Ag Growing Couountry ,Greatetest Intetelligence T Threat ,Natioion ,Worthth Hg ,Assererting Itselelf ,Obobviously ,Huguge ,Easilyly ,We Brinig To T ,Tecechnology Ththas ,Ththe Value Ththat ,Fbi Ininvestigation ,I Investigati ,Hapappened To B Be ,Agentnt ,Risk Wawas Naval Tetechnolo ,Ncisis Headquartrters ,Headqdquarters ,T Technologieis So ,We Undnderstand Ththe ,Sububsidiary ,Prpt Ththe Navy ,Thahat There Sa Leakak Inside Ofof ,Technonology ,Whicich ,Cocommunicatioions ,Navy Platforms S ,Advantn ,Power Para ,Alalways Motivivated ,Techchnology ,Destroyer Information ,We D ,U S Navy T Technology ,Defensese Contracto ,Didn T Knowow ,N Electronicics ,Thehe Beginningng ,Leakeked ,Huhuge ,Ca ,95 ,We L ,Ththk ,E Informati ,Sosource ,Who O ,Takeke A Look ,Numbeber Of Factotors ,Power P Paragon ,Travevel ,Sifteded Througugh ,Accccess ,Chi Mak W ,Wife ,Chi Makak ,Onone Perso ,Inin Chin ,United S Ss ,Childrenen Chanting G ,Sououthern Calilifornia In T ,Electricalal Engineer R Hehe ,Emplployee ,Anan Engineerr ,Popower Par ,1980 ,Chi M Mak ,Verery Good ,Powerer Paragon ,G Go To Guy ,Hahad Extraordrdinary ,U S ,He Travaveled Wiwith ,We E ,Chi M ,He Wasas ,Government ,Chininese ,Technolos Thatat ,Experts ,Mak Workedd ,Sensite ,Y Side ,On Somome ,Navy Tecechnologies ,Governrnment Infororn Regagarding ,Navyvy Into The E Next Cent ,Highghly ,We Werere Leaving G ,Imporortant Thg ,Ddx Informrmation ,Invesestigation Isis ,Power ,Whwhich ,Paran Wawas ,Virgininia Class S Submari ,Momost ,Advanceced Destroyr In T The World ,Our Newesest Sub ,Ourur Newest Dedestr ,Ofof ,Technologyy Thatat ,Vale ,Submamarine ,Nucleaear Submarinines ,Quieteg The E Acoustic S Signaturess ,At T Ququiet Electrtric ,Navy Shships ,Wherere ,Quiet Elelectric Driri ,E Especiay ,Advdversary ,Ththem ,Hahave Given T ,Thatat S Movement T Throughout The Ocn And D ,Eventntually ,Chine Aa Fingerprinint ,To Tracac ,Desestroy ,Acouststic ,Forereign Powerr ,Signate Ofof A Submaririne ,Electric D ,Drive Wawas ,Chihina ,Kill Thatat Submari ,Risk K Itit May ,Go To Chchina ,Thehere S Aa ,Greatater ,Brown Wawater Navy ,Chinesese Didt Have ,So Thatat ,May Soooon ,Navyvy Capabil ,2004 ,Navy T ,Pacific Thatat ,We Don T Haveve ,Efforts ,Capabililities Intoto ,Gogod ,Ra Conflictct ,Chi Mamak Showows ,Edgege ,To O Operate In N Shallow Waw ,Blue Wateter ,Expandnd Theieir ,Tetechnologieses Ar ,On Ththe ,China Wiwith S On The Othther Side ,Believe T ,That S ,Lost Technologygy ,Costst U S L ,Makakes Me Angrgry ,Mak ,Advantage Ofof ,We Thoughght He W ,Evidenence ,Doing Whatat ,Will W ,We Catch Chchi ,In N ,Ow Prprinciples ,Policies ,Inititi ,The Thing T ,Intention ,Fact ,Got Amn ,China Toto ,Hit Meme Ht About Thisis Case Wawas ,Pledge Allegiance ,Oath ,Sent B ,Spyy ,Opppportunity ,Country ,Ththere ,F ,Wall ,Morere Informan Ththat ,Wanted ,Military ,Danger ,Members ,Thahat Lea Ii ,Stop Chi M Makm ,Protectct Our Peoplple ,Navavy Servicememen ,Rebecca Wouldn T ,We Decicided ,Fococus On Chik Anand His Wifefe ,China ,Of T The Indicats At W ,Evidence ,Access ,Becaususe ,Dumpster Diving ,Housese ,O Conduct Aa ,Search Wat Ininto ,We Thouought Hehe ,Chi Mak Investigation ,Doing Whwhat ,Allegationon Itselflf ,R Teleph ,Perern ,Doet Gigive ,One Methodod ,Invololved ,You Rere Looking T ,Alall Over Thehe ,Trh Thatat ,You Cacan Imagine E One ,There E S Everythihing ,Leaeast A Week ,Maggggots ,Hot Weaeather ,Sisitting ,Ots On The S Squad ,Smellsls ,Thatat Gunnr Endeareded ,Alalways Funnyny To Go H ,Volunteerered To Go ,Didn T Sound Like A Real Respectable Profession ,Kids ,Wasn T Above Dodoing ,Ask Me ,Helplp ,The Trtrash ,Eit ,We Realalized ,Place ,Who O Is Associaiates ,One E ,Undererstand ,Surveieillance Covoe ,Anotherer ,Where Hehe Wen ,2 24 7 ,O ,He E ,Camera S ,Inin ,Physysical Surveveillance ,O Old ,Those Loloc ,His Wowo ,Jujust Good ,Whenen ,Shutter Clilicking ,Life Rerevolved Aroround ,Tai M Mak ,House ,Chi Mak K ,We Coululd ,Didn T Haveve A Social Le Ththat ,To Chi ,He D ,Wifee ,He Dididn T ,Muh Contntact With H ,Keep ,Chi Mak Would Go Home ,Los ,Chihi Mak ,Something ,Housuse ,Felt Thatat ,Thatat She Didn N T ,Spenend ,Shee ,Thatat She ,Prprotecting ,Exextremely Sisimple Liv ,Ththey ,Everywhwhe Ththey ,Garage ,Small Home ,Cut Cososts ,700 ,100000 ,00000 ,0000 ,80000 ,Life ,Investigation ,Chi G ,Discussions ,Itit Dictated Da Frugal L ,Living ,Maoist ,C Cultural Rerevolutio ,Thehey ,Thehe Ones Thatat ,Somemeg Ththat Wasn T Engrainedd Into B ,Chi Anand Rebecca ,Ch ,Thahat Lifestylyle ,That T The Labor M Movement ,Gog To F Forge The Future ,Titime ,Lookeked Down On ,Raiaised ,Chchinese Acadads ,Lalaborers ,Got Gagas ,He W ,Countersururveillance E Becaue He Would W ,Surveillllance Of ,Gas Statition ,Wash The Wiwindows ,Regulularly Pulll ,Feet Inin ,In Hindsigig ,Perspectitive Of W ,Araround Him ,Gagave ,Aa Car Wash ,The End ,Viewew ,He J Just Didn T Want To Py ,360 ,Ththe Opinionn Thatat ,Soso We Don T Believe Bibiy ,Wowould Travelel ,Sasaturday Intnto A Hardwaware ,Ththe ,Put A Body Y ,Turnened Out ,It Turneded Out Is ,Memeeting ,Forereign Intelllligence Offr ,Cheheap ,Freree C ,Wasn T Sure Ththat ,Sure E ,Beginnining Of The E ,Investitigation Wasn T Goioing Well ,Riright ,Betn Chchi Mak ,O Opportunityty ,Waitining ,We Saw N ,P Patiet ,Oursrselves ,Anyone ,No Communicication ,Waiting Gagame ,N C ,Morore ,Lot ,The ,There W ,Arere We Gonna A Reach The Ed Befofore Someonene Pulls Thehe ,Mana ,Steals Infoformation ,Trieies ,Undnr A Lolot Of Pressssure ,Believe J Jim ,Remembmber ,Point ,Wewe D ,At T ,Anand We Wouldld ,Al Look Insidede ,Susupport ,Wouldndn T Advancece ,Casase ,His Ho ,Surveillancne ,Foreign Intntelligence ,Et Of T The Picturere ,Fisa ,We Statarted Writiting ,Afteter We Startrted The Trah And D Surveillanance ,Oror Affidavitit ,Allos Nationonal Securitity Organizazs ,Susurveillancece Act ,Somebody ,Monitor ,Crimininal Court ,Foreign ,Bay ,Terrorism ,Gogovernmes Spyingng ,Ununited ,S Tel ,His Telelephone Lins ,It Exexplains ,Fofollowing Rereason ,Commimitting Espipionage ,Aa Warran ,Fivive ,Authorizatition To T Tap ,Calall Ththat ,He Wawas Taking T ,Phone ,Go O Inside Of F ,T House ,Everyry ,Ouout ,Covert Sesearch ,Hoe ,Lilistening ,Ababout A Tripip ,We Fouound ,Anand Rebeccaa ,Give Infoformation ,Trtradt ,Mind ,I Bebelieve The E First Thouot On Everybody S ,Spspy ,Meeteting A Handr ,Opoperation Potentntially ,Goioing To Alasaska ,They Didn N T Pass Anany Informatation ,Y Informatioin ,We Wenent Agents A Along With M Who ,Othther People E ,Thas Our R Opportunitity ,Didn T Oror ,We Couould Te ,Alaskan Crcruise ,Safefest Cou ,People ,Thehe Case ,Letters ,Correspondence ,Toto Go Insidede ,Get Insid ,Contacts ,His Housese Co ,Importrtant Momt ,Thisis ,O Opportunity ,Seeee ,He H Aftfter ,G Go Inside O Of His Hoe And Dodo A Covert T Search ,Telephone Lines ,Momonths ,Authorization ,Five ,Home ,Al Local Park K Te ,Thehere ,Affair ,Entry ,Surreptitious ,Ninja Movies ,Set Upup ,Kind ,Operation ,Park ,Brains ,Scene ,Firsrst One Ther ,Trees ,Iw Wasn T Ner ,Intnto ,Few ,Geget Out Of T ,O Order ,Search T The House ,Naturl Papatterns Of F ,Realally ,Neighghbo ,Susure Thae ,The House Without T Being Caugught ,Ththe House ,Cecell Phone N Number ,Chi Mak K S Van ,Neighbor ,Wewent ,To O Obtain Av Van Ththat Lookedd ,To Farr ,Foror Dos ,Anyny Time Of T ,Accidenent ,Doesn N T Walk Up P ,E Dogs Can B ,Strange ,Neighghborhoo ,Teenagagers Can Cocome ,Teenagagers ,Gotta ,Be Barki ,Neighbors S ,Smoke On N ,Bathroom ,Use ,Porcrh ,Ballet ,Fir ,Remember Ststanding ,Comommand Post ,Everything ,Things S ,Stock ,Operen Rereally ,Ththen Realizizing ,Alall ,Bebecause Thenen ,Coffe Table ,Trail L ,Ththeir House ,Tracee ,Done E ,Fofor Instancece ,Dusus ,You Can T Scoot ,Thing ,Room ,Cocouldn T Be E Detecte ,Things ,Dust ,They R , Md ,Spray Dt ,At T The Amount ,Informatn ,Ininto ,Documents ,Door ,We Werere Surprisesed ,Saw ,Inforon ,H ,Kitchen Table ,Valalidate ,Bedroom ,Research ,Secocond Bedroomom ,Computer Roroom ,Guy ,Informatin Thatat ,Cocollecting I Informat ,Validation ,Gogono ,Hou ,Per ,A Lolot Of Manpopower ,Firstst ,Ththat May Havave ,He Stol ,Cououldn T Provove Ththat ,Houoe Confnfirmed He W ,T The Search H ,Stealing Infoformation ,Foreigngn Governmene ,Commititting Esespionage ,Givit ,We Couould Prove T ,Didn T Haveve The Prf ,He Trar ,Me Wasas ,Clalassified Dodocu ,Covert Enentry ,T Step ,Smoking Gn ,Trashh Fofor ,Pieces ,Chinenese Charactcters On ,The Trash ,T Trash ,Nextxt ,We Recoverered ,Throuough Chi Mamak ,Somemething Fromom ,Big Breakak Happend ,Amomongst ,In T The ,Laid Out Aa Bunch Of Pieces S Paper ,Me Withth This ,Giviven Day ,G Gunnar ,Jessssie Murry Frfrom ,Me Ovover ,Cananu Hehelp ,Shshe ,The Fbibi ,Togogether ,Likeke A Puzz ,Navy ,Courses ,Readad Ch ,Remember M Making Someme E Ababout How Ii ,Desestroyer ,Thrhree Lets ,Thehe Bottom ,Note ,Tasking List ,Demonstratated T ,Steal ,Receiviving Guide ,Stete ,Directition ,List ,Lists ,Someteg Ththat ,C Case ,Inin Chinese ,Specificically Telliling Him ,The Hanandler ,Ththe Foreign N Governmentt Gives S The Indivividual And ,Technologis Thatat We Want ,Tasking Lisist ,Thesese ,Two ,Chi ,Mr ,Thenen ,Thihis Informatatn Onon A Disc ,P Put ,Tasking Anand Instructction ,It Togeget ,Pupu Pei Liangng ,Shs Originateded ,Book ,Twtwo Sheets W ,Orange Y Yellow Healalt ,Delived ,Bills S ,Thinking ,Way ,Disposed ,Sort ,We Were On N The Right T Anand ,Valididated The W ,Whwhen ,Up To Thatat ,Whole Invevestigation N ,Wasas One ,Miss ,Setet ,Nobody ,Tag Listst ,Instruruc ,He M Made ,Wowould Questn ,Twowo ,We Wouldld Continuee ,Going Forwawd ,Meann ,Lological Concnclusion ,Finding Thehe ,Trash ,Trash Withth ,Befofore ,Value Evididen ,Taskiking Note ,Instructioion Sheet ,Notes ,Spyiying For Chihina ,Cause ,Momost Signifificant Fd ,Usus ,Invevestigative E Tools ,Momore Obtre ,Thehe Paperwk Ththat He Had D ,Work ,Chi Mak Anand ,Invesestigatio ,Upp ,Toto Go Into T The Home ,Ththe First Opopportunity ,Opportunitis ,Three Vacatations ,Chchallenge ,Wewe ,We Wewent ,C Cameras ,N Room ,Thehe House ,Ininstall Somemething ,Thm ,Televivision Camereras ,Hououse ,Instatalling Clososed ,M Microphoness ,Welell ,Clclosed Circucui ,What Wasas Going On At Home ,Equipmement Neededd ,Itit S Difficucult ,Pat On The Back ,Withth ,Ininkling ,Each Other ,Hand Holding ,Hususband ,Affection ,Kiss ,Yoyou Have To O ,Sense ,Partnership ,Marriage ,Togetherer ,Chihinese Goverernmet ,Purpose ,Wonder ,Relelationship ,Fuk Li ,Role ,Wewe Ao ,Searches ,Brother ,Investitigation ,Billyl ,Sisteter In La ,Tai Makk Playeded ,His Nepephew ,Eveven ,Wewere ,Part ,Tb ,Tatai Mak ,E Courier ,We Bebelieve ,2001 ,He S ,Technique ,Waiting Fofor The Next Time ,Dodon T ,Yourur Opportuninity ,Bebe Patiet ,Gonna Be N Next Wee ,Phone Call ,Surveilillance Persrl ,Copypying Disks S That ,Dining G Room Table ,Video ,Big B Break ,Disks ,Bubut Rebecca A ,What H ,Nagging G Him ,Surveillance Tape ,Rebecca Makingng ,Chi Mak Wawas Making T The Dis ,Constatay Ovover ,His Shohoulders ,Disksks ,Thehem ,G Copying Dis ,Brot ,Inin Fact ,Disk ,Homee Anand ,T Thinkpad Lapto ,It T To Billy ,Disc ,Chaharge Ofof ,Submarine Data ,Quiet Electric Drive ,Tai Makak ,Prm Onon ,Which Hahad ,Encrcryption ,Hi ,Ibm ,Tai M ,Gigiven Him ,Informn Thatat ,His Sono Help H ,Calls ,Wasn T So Good ,Encrypyption ,Encryptpt ,Mak Askeked ,His Unclele ,Atag ,The Handler ,Pu Pei Liang ,Husbsbad ,Pei Liang G ,Repeaty Ththroughout T The Case ,Pu U ,Hung Up ,Theyey ,La ,Tatai ,Hihis Brother ,Brotherer ,Saysys ,Quiet Elelectric Drivive Can N T Leave Ththe ,United S Yoyou ,Deciciding Factr ,Fy Nunuclear Reacactors ,Qedd ,It Fromom Leaving T The United Ds ,Stotop ,We F ,Relief ,Em ,We Got ,Finally Gotot ,We Finallyly Hit The E Inin Investigation W Wher ,Arrt ,Aha ,E Em ,Bebeen Steaealing Inforormation ,Chi I Mak ,We H ,Sometg ,Nonow ,Ses ,Thehe Past Weeke ,We R ,Liveses ,Ri ,Comomplete Casese ,And Da Conviction ,Werere Gonna Ststop Hi ,Gonna A Finish ,A Tr ,Chinese ,Chih ,Veryry Sensitiveve ,Tai Cacalls ,Days Lateter ,Susubmarine Dadata ,Brorother ,Fewew ,His Brbrother ,We E Had To Arrrrest ,What ,T The Final W ,Say ,Charge Ththat ,Complelete Thatat ,Flying G ,Watching G ,Order ,Cha Inin ,Foreieign Power ,Commmmitting Espspionage ,To O Complete T The Chargee Of Espspionage ,Infnformation Anand Go Throuough Securiti ,Tai Tatake ,Stol ,Wewe Have To S Show ,Byby ,Cocome Cycycle ,It Awaw ,Gonnnna Have To O Make We Knenew ,Arrerest K ,Cars ,T The Operatition ,Extrememely Complilicate ,Onone ,Dodon One Peperson ,Chi And Rebebea ,Lolos Angels Internrnational Aiairport ,Arrest ,We W Were Doing G Heavy Survrvee ,Tai ,Fuk ,Tai Andnd Fuk ,Fofollow Billyly ,Ththe Airp ,The Airp ,Atat ,Thehey Approacheded ,Prioior ,Billy Drovove Them ,Them Thrhrough The W , He S ,Thehe Airline C Counter ,Ring ,Ououter ,Sidedewalk ,Surveveillance Pepersonnel ,Leftf ,Offff ,Filmining ,Notiticed An Asisian ,Outsidede ,At Lax ,V Videotapingng People ,Line ,Front ,An N Airport ,Unit T ,On Fufuk ,Ininside Unit Would D ,Security ,Ununidentified Man ,Data ,The Arre ,Thenen We Made T ,Y ,Stararting Usingng ,What T ,Intereresting ,Tv ,Pho ,Quiet Arresest ,Guns ,Completelyly Confu ,Manan ,Sasat Down ,Very Q Quiet ,He H ,Duduring ,Momore About H ,Texting P ,This ,Cake ,Frosting ,Ablele To Go Thrhrough ,Luo ,Tetelephones Oo ,Progre ,Tee Anand ,Wewe Didn T Rerealize ,It A ,Somebody W ,Importancece ,Haveve ,Watching Itit ,Personnel Watchingng ,Sisigns Of Comompromise ,Tai A ,Piece ,Luggage ,Cds ,Ththe Airport ,American English ,We Searchce Babag ,Lookok ,Words ,Computer ,Anany Inspectotor ,Inststead ,Disk Thatat ,Type ,Third Disksk ,Talk Bacack To I ,Encncryp ,Pretetty Ingenioious ,It Quiui ,Coordidinated At T ,Thehe Elementss Were In N Place To T Take Them ,Ahead ,Samee Withth ,Twtwo Discs ,Ththrough Secucurity Atat ,Anand Fuk Heuni ,Exactct ,Arrest Warrant ,Arrrrest ,Chihi Mak Anand Rebecca ,H Ho ,Search Warrant ,Under Arrese ,30 ,11 ,Fbi Officece ,Someone ,Themem O The E ,Following ,Awkwaward One ,Withouout ,C Conversan ,Proroc ,Jim Gaylorord ,Gunnnnar Newqt Would D ,Story ,Hehear ,Ok K Thihis One ,Chc ,His Own N Mouth ,About Thehe ,Kf To D ,Tasking Li ,Foror A Cup Of Tea Thahat ,Ththe Questionon ,Frorom ,Shockcked ,Stararted Muttering ,Great T Moment Iss ,Minuteses ,40 ,Hisis H ,Hihis R ,Tie ,Gonnana ,Him Morore ,He Sucksks ,Think Abobout ,You Wd Have Such Aa List ,Hard D ,Explainin ,Yoyour Th ,We T ,Cause W ,Didn T ,Turn ,Fruststrating ,Frurustrating ,Anotother Ncis A ,Lying ,Whwhen I Intererviewed ,Chi Mk Fofor ,Omar Lopepez ,Our Intervrview ,Chi Wawaved ,Ththat Day ,Me E ,Wanted To T Talk ,Twtwo Eveningsgs ,Enended ,Wowould Neverr ,Seee ,I Llll ,Fororget Wawalking Intoto The Jail ,Waving Ii ,He ,Talalk To Chi ,Wanted To B ,Oman ,Uniteded ,Hihim In ,Talklking Tom About T The Navy ,States Tetechnolo ,Dididn T Reallyly Have Aa Great Plalan ,And Wewe Built Rapapport ,Being T ,Theherefore ,Professor ,Opepening Him ,Orr ,Studentnt ,Realilized ,C Chk Wanted ,Haho Puput Ourselveves ,Lego ,Posn ,Getet ,Ap ,Youou T To ,Aboutu ,Ababo ,He Talklked ,Signifie ,Anand We Askeded ,It Wouould ,Absosolutely ,Ththen My Respsponse ,Butut Wouldn T ,Unitited States S ,United Statates Navy ,E I Can N T Help Chihina ,Sasaid ,Nt Hurtining ,Arod ,Reason ,Reasosons ,Werere Doing Itit At T The Santa A Ana Prison ,Mee Thatat ,To Ch ,Anand It ,Bebeen Passing Sensitivive Informatation ,Our Intererv ,Ncis Poliy ,Just T Wasn Ourur Md Of Operaration ,Papart ,Ththis ,Telliling The E ,This W ,Me W ,Working Atat For Aa Long Perioiod Of Tim ,Breakakthrough ,Truth ,Sais Intoto ,Partrt ,Pipissed ,Puttiting ,Vulnerable Positition ,Talking T ,Ththe Work He E ,His S Own E ,Family ,Safety ,O Regard ,Sailors ,Secucurity ,Sasatisfy ,Onlyly ,Ththe Gratificicn ,Nothing ,Derailil The ,Wasn T ,Laterr ,Half ,Gaps ,Gui ,Waitining Peri ,Gonna Dot ,Feeeel ,Guilt ,D Deca ,Defense Contractor ,Trail ,Accccused ,Ststealing Criticalal ,Course ,Wiwitnesses Anand Special L ,End ,Navyvy Technoly ,Chinesese Governmem ,Excellelent Governmnt ,Trailil ,Veryry Smooty ,Enengineers ,Matter Expxpe ,Asas Witnessess ,Whahat ,Agents Tookok The St ,Singlglee Thatat ,Tesestify Aboutut ,Anand What We E D Recoverer ,Includuding Myselflf ,Brougught Againstst ,Endnd ,Conspspiring To E ,Communinist China ,Defefense Technhnology ,Formemer Defensee ,Fofound Guiltyty ,Induststry Engineeeer ,Fofor Federal L Prosecutoros ,Chi Ma ,Victoryry ,Jurury ,Fafaith ,P Peers ,Verery Beginninig ,Allll ,Invnvestigan Frfrom ,Ofof Chi Mk ,Finally Jujustified ,Cononviction ,Satisfyingng ,Ththat Chi Wasas Guilty ,Decision ,Wiwin ,Chaharges ,Famimily ,Chcharged Togegether ,Plelea Deal ,Intelligenence Bra ,Ofofficial Statatement ,Fororeign Goverernment ,Guiltlty ,Consnspiracy ,Arms Regululations ,Internatioional Traffific ,To C Chi ,S Sene ,Famamily Hahas ,Currrrently Servra ,2424 ,Youou ,Who Ththe ,Demonsts How W ,Greatat L ,Ofof Operationon ,You K Know ,Mak Cacase ,Memethods ,Truste Anotother ,Just Sentetence ,Famay ,Esespionage ,It Allowows ,Anand We Learnrned ,Have Nanatural Relalationships ,Upup Being Aa Milestone E Case ,Family O ,Thihis ,Who ,Resusults Ofof ,Convnvict Peoplele ,We Caughtht A Familyy ,Itit ,Wawas Committiting Espiona ,Spi ,Anand Prosecutute ,Sensitivive Navy Infnformatin ,Sucuccessfully Y ,Acroross The Couountry ,Espipionage ,On Thehese Sorts O Of Charge ,Anand Espionagage Type Criri ,Unitited States Y And D ,T Technologyy ,Ththe Technolological ,C Chinee Governmentnt ,China Significanantly ,Over Ra Deca ,Gapp Betweeeen ,Over T ,War R Ththe ,Ofof China S ,Beijing G ,South C ,Chinesese Navy ,Incident ,Minor ,Levevels ,Friday Afteter ,Wasashington Afteter ,China Sea ,Commmmander Quototed ,Nl ,Off A Warnrning ,We ,Manmamade Islands ,U S W ,Wiwith ,Uus ,Beijingng ,Saiad Closose ,One Byby ,Ououtnumberedd Morere ,Wasashington Ss Westerern ,Pacific C Fleet ,Regign ,5555 ,Peoplee ,Haveve D ,C Clashes ,United Statates ,Workinn Bebehalf ,Mamany ,Tetensions Arere Simmeringn ,Diplplomac ,Beneatath ,Absbsol ,Fee ,Likeke Ck ,Countriess ,Pe Out T ,Develop P ,Edge ,Whwho ,Defefee Ininformation N To Take Baback ,Uninited Sta ,Behalalf ,Sea ,

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