Here are tonights headlines. The office of Speaker Of The House of the United States house of representatives is hereby declared vacant. Drama at the capital. The u. S. House votes to oust it speaker. Norah Kevin Mccarthy out as speaker. Congress grinds to a standstill without someone in the role. A little girl who went now home with her family. State police still on the scene where they captured the suspect. Watch as investigators covered in white have gone in and out of this home with paper bags in what appears to be several gun cases. Spirit a special look at crime in america. Whats behind the rise in carjackings around country . After a sitting member of congress is held at gunpoint by three armed men right here in the Nations Capital. I looked at a gun, another one with a gun, one behind me. My car, said sure. Norah knew details from Donald Trumps fraud trial after the judge issued a gag order. Plus, the former president says he will take the stand. He always argues that this is f
speaker: a at the presesent ti, we know w that therere are 27 pe missing g since abouout 4:15 yesterday y afternoon.n. speaker: s still no brbreak inin that chowowchilla, californiaia, school bus kidnapapping. speakeker: 26 schohoolchildrend theieir bus driviver have vavan. vaninished yesteterday afteren nenear chowchihilla, calififo. speaker:r: presidentnt ford dird the e attorney g general to o ul availablble governmement resour. speaeaker: the c california a nl guard jojoined statete and lol police andnd the fbi in a giaiant searchh for r the childrdren and thehe . speakeker: it was s like sosomebody comome down froroms and d just took k them upup off the p planet. wawas it an ououtright kidnappingng, a psychohopath, or s sex maniac c on the looo? speaker: w whoever didid it pt a great dedeal of plananning and effortrt and we might eveven say mononey. there e may never r have been as anguiuishing a mymystery. speaeaker: it s s the worst kd of s story you c could tell. spea
[b[birds chirprping] [suspenseful music] - i m m just gonnana tell you the e whole storory. so i i had the $ $50,000 debt becacause of thehe taxes. i was s screwed. jerry s dedead. i i m left hololding the b b. and i memean, i don n t hae $50,000 0 for the irirs. i m nonot going dodown like th. i i was just t thinking, okay, i g gotta dodo somethingng here. i gotta a do somethihing. i cacalled the i irs, and i sasaid, listeten, i k know you knknow i owe $ $5, but i i have a stotory for yo so i t told the irirs ththe whole ststory verbatat. now,w, it might t ve been a year l later, my accouountant, wewe were talklking, and.. he said,d, you knowow, you re thehe reason why all l this went t down i sasaid, what?t? he s said, yeahah. becacause they r reported it to thehe fbi or whwhomever and itit just buststed wide on afteter that, but i had d no idea. alall i was trtrying to dodo wt myself o out of a $5$50,000 de. and the next thing i knew, everybody is bein
at 5:00 eastern. [bright totone] - i want some! - it s the monopoly game, only at mcdonald s! with over 50 million prizes, it s supersized excitement. - mononopoly. do not p pass go. gogo directly y to mcdonala. - ifif you were e around back in n the 90s... - nonow at mcdononald s, momonopoly is s more than n a g! yoyou can playay it. - you u heard it e everywhe. - - the game m monopoly is bacack at mcdononald s, bigger and better ththan eve. - - this year,r, there s more p prizes thanan . - - mcdonald s s ran the monopopoly game for year. - hey,y, collect the righght game pieieces.. - and win $2 millionon. - - [gasps] - but no o one. knew t the truth a about the game b being playeyed. no one.. [ been c caught steaealing by jane e s addictioion] - peopople everywhwhere arare winning g big! - i ve bebeen cacaught stealaling once whenen i was fivive i enjoy s stealing - the mcdodonald s pririzes cocould be carars, boatats, $100,00000 upup to the mimillion dolll.
[j[jose] afteter our tourur of t the great c capital ci, mamadrid, we v ve headed overer 200 mileses to the coct toto one of mymy favoritee culilinary destitinations. vavalencia. ovoverlooking g the glistetg mediterrananean sea, this c city is onene of the ot in spain.. for centnturies, its portrt has been n a bustg gateteway for gogoods and fo. it s s now the b busiest port inin the wholele mediterraran. and surrouounding the e ciy lie vast f fertile fararmlas anand wetlandsds known as the e orchard ofof spai valencia i is close to my y heart becacause ththere is onene iconic dih born r right heree that r representss spaiain all overer the worl. paella v valenciana.a. paellala, as we knknow it, was bornrn in t the mid-18t8th centuryy in the wetetlands of v valen. fafarmers willll get togeter for lunch,h, bringing g cros and vegetatables they ve haharvested and adadd them to o a big pan before cooooking it all ovever an open n fire. this humumble meal i is now one of thehe