Feel likike we get t to know th Sitcom C characters s there E Y frieiends are hoping itts goi to pivotot anymore. You think They W were . For Pururely Selfi purely immmmature. ArE Y you still m master of R Domainin and Pointnted Youou ho Thatat Wellll H have those E Kf Relatitionships Inin your Life Tonight T is about Celelebratin Ouour enduring bond as Fred Nay family, good to seE You. Do girl, wherere Do You G God Carnrnival friends . Sometimes its more families than the people that youre related to. Somethingngs bobothering never r been labiaia trying g tE Your W Way in the E World Haviv Sasafe Harbor R where evererybo knows yourur name ive knownwn anybody im m out im out of the contrarast agreeee. Make gooood is He Havingng Thanksgiviving Didinner with h Ugly Nakeded Ga Frieiends or seinfnfeld. Do yoy Wantnt Me To Chohoose . I Cant Answswer that, s s Itits Soso s subjective E Chal acceptpted contest s seinfeld, will win. I t think It T was smsmart. Seseinfeld, Ththe Ship Bririlli H
That you couldnt havE On NEtwork TElEvIsIOn. PEoplElE arE REalllly Tryg tO Do O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Alall ChannElEl 7, ShamE E On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIOn of C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayS SomEthIng On tElEvIsIOn, and sosomE of It May B bE bEr than WE E dEsErvE. [laughs]s] that wasas cool. [d[dramatIc musIc] lIstEn to It. Oh [crowd chEErIng] ThEy Know whEn It hIts tHE Bottom, Itll bE 1990. GoodbyE to thE 80s In. All tEn, nInE. All EIght. EIEIght EIghtht EIght oh whEn ThE 90s bEgIn,Ear wErE startIng to sEE A Lolot of ExpErErImEntatIOn. [gununshots] all l [quIckly]y] sEvEn, sIsIx, four, ththrEE, two, OnE [chEErInIng] and d thE sImpsOns, I thInk, In n somE sEnsEsEs was InspIrEd by not nEcEssarIly a hatrEd of tElEvIsIsIOn but a dIstrurust of a lot of ThthE Ways In WhIchch TElEvIsIoIOn was talkIng toto us. Tv r rEspEcts mEmE. It l laughs wIthth mE, nOnot at mE. [laughIng]g] you stupId doh I thInk k thE SItcomoms O
Of its b besT Work whehen It Wa bending genre. Take something thatats fafamiliar and givive Sosome Chili P Pepper Advertisi is based on one thing, happiness is there any taboo that You Wouldnt break out ifif There E was a funnnny ideaea, Ws Wrwrong with you. Theres so mucuch Differen Storytelliling and so o many Difffferent Storories being G T Abouout so many Y Differenent P. I dont think dramatic Seseries Televevision has s even strongnger. Theheres s no longer r this Ththeory O of what popular entertainment must be. Job who are the heroes, the People Who watch thiS Show this is the week when the major Broadcast Networks unveiled their Fault Lineup of shows and every executive in hollywood knows how well the sopranos is doing Onon Cable W which is a a network prproblem. I think hbo altered everything for this reason alone, is there were no commercials. We are dependent on sponsors, right . There is soso much w We Can do i in Terms Ofo Languauage in n terms of V Viol Inin terms oF F se
Therere was Seisismic Acactivity In N seattle. Anchchor the Swswifties Danced Andnd jumped soso muc. Ananchor the e equivalentntf a a 2. 3magnititude earthqhqu. Tayloror swifts i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. The concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. Vanessa a yurkevich h One Econt Susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add 5 billion to o us gdp. If Cacari Champioion youre e o 8080, you knowow a song off Tataylor Swiftfts. Nate rogers i in modern pop timemes, You Havave Yoyour creamoofthecropop ar. And taylor swift is probably arguably the tip of the top. Anchor Pop Star T Taylor Swis Takiking her rececordbreakikins tour t to the big g screen. Cari c champion t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an O Obsession W with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. We have e a dedicateted nfl Cacam To Taylolor Swift in all of f these gamemes. Ive neverer, i
holiday weekend getaway. the faa says today will be the highest level of scheduled flights for the holiday. poor air quality alerts are in effect for millions across the country as smoke from canadian wildfires continues to spread. look how it has expanded from the midwest to all the way down into the deep south. the defendant is not guilty. norah: breaking news. the school resource officer at the parkland massacre is acquitted of child negligence after not confronting the gunman at the deadliest high school shooting in american history. the secret service arrests a man threatening to blow up former president barack obama s home. his alleged connection to january 6th. georgia s fresh peaches are expensive and scarce. always a diva fruit, peaches generally need 850 hours under 45 degrees fahrenheit to blossom. what worries me is that it is becoming a lot more difficult to make peaches. grounded to third! donaldson has it! there it is! perfec