May provide a motive. His arrest record includes assaults, breakins and robberies. The kind of person Law Enforcement wants off the streets. Police 09 04 59 when we get into the business and think about putting away bad guys. This is the guy that were thinking about. This guy was a known violent offender. Police say yahia acted alone. When he broke into mcneeleys home and stabbed her death. So his death all but closes the murder investigation. Neigbhor 02 02 15 it would sure ease my mind if he was the guilty party the night of the murder, yahia showed up at the hospital with a serious cut on his hand. He told officers that he was the victim Home Invasion and even went as far as staging a fake crime scene. Police say if he hadnt been shot and killed. It would have only been a matter of time until they arrested him for mcneeleys death. Heres a look at a portion of yahias criminal history. In 2014, he was charged with eight robberies. Many of them Grocery Stores in des moines. He reached
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Subscriber only A defence lawyer has described his client as being an unwilling participant when texting a former co-worker to arrange collecting a bulk amount of drugs then using her son to collect it. Texts between Wendy Garton and a former colleague saved in her phone as Cody Work revealed the 39-year-old asking for smoke in bulk . The texts from Garton, which were read to the Gatton Magistrates Court on April 12, said she would be incognito and discreet, as she asked for several amounts and costs between November 3-11. Garton continued the texts with her former co-worker, then via text, arranged a family member to collect the pound of cannabis .