Reconfiguration. Passing Health Care Reform has been a labor intensive effort. I wanted to highlight a couple of things and end with some numbers about our flu shot clinic which were really spectacular. When stephanie and i traveled to hetch hetchy, we took workers comp with us and we had a very fruitful engaging inspiring covering about what to do to inspire people three hours up and back. It was great for the two groups to be together and for both management and employees up at hetch hetchy to see that we are really invested in their well being. Anyway, it was very successful to spend time with peg and meet with folks up there. The Community College system as you know continues to have difficulties. It took a london long time to get the rates. We took last years rates and applied them and marina worked very hard on that and published them on a two rate because they were not ready and we are working closely now that they have someone in place trying to have city college on having a be
Spectacular. When stephanie and i traveled to hetch hetchy, we took workers comp with us and we had a very fruitful engaging inspiring covering about what to do to inspire people three hours up and back. It was great for the two groups to be together and for both management and employees up at hetch hetchy to see that we are really invested in their well being. Anyway, it was very successful to spend time with peg and meet with folks up there. The Community College system as you know continues to have difficulties. It took a london long time to get the rates. We took last years rates and applied them and marina worked very hard on that and published them on a two rate because they were not ready and we are working closely now that they have someone in place trying to have city college on having a better handle on what their benefits are. The other two things i wanted to highlight where i was asked to represent the executive director of the Pacific Group on health david landsky. They we
Analytical base approach what im causing augment you shuns theyre to address i think areas those are similar to pillars that have been established by prior things that the mayor want to achieve the first is and tyler kind of vague. Pam pam i think we can see those theyre in the materials i understand the importance of enthusiastic way the pillars of augusttion. Director dodd. I believe the total on that groundtion relate to serving the public not enhancing the service for employees it maifrs makes it more difficult to find our needs for Additional Fund in the context of serving the public. So thank you. One of the so when the original discussions were done when the mayor come to the director and explained what the budget instructions and came to the cfo there were only a few of the goals when we actually issued the budget you instructions they added one other interesting area and that is cross departmental collaboration this may be something that we can look at in terms of and im just
Anyhow to improve the process but we right now are on the kind of the critical timeline in terms of our the mayors budget instructions those only apply to the general administrator budget what theyve put out in december was that theyre projecting the general fund deficit to be 15. 9 million in 2015 2016 and 88. 3 million in 20162017 this is based on Current Operations and staff and estimate revenues as a Reference Point we were they were projecting a deficit projection this time last year for 2015 2016 to be 108 million by due to strong tax Revenue Growth and low Unemployment Rate and the negotiation of affordable and 3 contracts allowed the deficit to go down they also take into account the November Ballot initiative if you recall one of them had not been included in the mayors budget and it was put on later and that had to do with the mta population adjustment that affected the general fund because of the good news weve had they have been able to let us off the hook let the city off
Monitor expenditures not to sfeed the budget we have very little room for maneuvering ill be glad to take questions. Are there questions from the board . Pam i was also asked in a section to talk about the finance you activities and update even though monthly report we started preparing for the 2015 2016 are internal audit from last year i apologize for the error what happens every year the Controllers Office comes in and audit our policies and premiers. Audit our selective sample of journal entries and produce a report and discuss both our department and how our department performs against city departments we talk about improvements that can be done which i have welcomed because we want to mayor that we are not only immigrant with the Controllers Office but that we are going a little further so we can have continuance improvement and i monitor very careful what the expenditures are and how the theyre posted and you know theres also a possibility of mistakes which are also theres a pos