agreement standard procedure? is it legitimately enforceable? unheard of until now. and it wasn t standard procedure. look, most people who serve in the white house serve because they feel a desire to serve the country and because they have deep loyalty and respect for the president. and so, you know, at least in the white house i served and i suspect in the other white houses that preceded us, there wasn t a sense that those were necessary wouldn t have crossed anyone s mind. notwithstanding the fact they may not be enforceable. but this is how donald trump ran his business, and this goes back to what i said before. this is what he demanded of everyone who was involved with him in his business because he doesn t trust people. he doesn t show them loyalty, and they don t trust him. and therefore they don t show him loyalty. it is a den of vipers. yeah, and you see that with the recordings. so, frank, you call this a
the white house has denied in the past that they even made people sign nondisclosure agreements or ndas, but now trump is claiming on twitter she did sign and kellyanne conway claiming it s perfectly normal. it is typical and you know it to sign an nda in anyplace of work. you sign them in the west wing? you sign a nondisclosure? we have confidentiality agreements in the west wing, absolutely we do. david, is a nondisclosure agreement standard procedure? is it legitimately enforceable? unheard of until now. and it wasn t standard procedure. look, most people who serve in the white house serve because they feel a desire to serve the country and because they have deep loyalty and respect for the president. and so, you know, at least in the white house i served and i suspect in the other white
that american people have right to know, correct? particularly bill o reilly interviewed mark everson a former irs commissioner. martha: right. i think he said, and i know you have run it this morning whether he went once or not at all. in other words it wasn t standard procedure that the irs commissioner trotted down to the white house. it raises questions, an extraordinary number 150 times. now of course doug shulman, the former irs commissioner in what was really an arrogant answer said, well i went to the easter egg roll. martha: that went over well. there weren t 150 easter egg rolls. martha: there weren t 150 easter egg roles. we may see many him coming back. i think he will come back. martha: to go into detail about the nature of those visits. a lot to talk about chris and we look forward to it as always. see you on sunday. thank you, martha. martha: as he said he has bob goodlatte coming up chairman of house judiciary committee who has a lot of questions for eric hold