afghanistan is going to look like say after 2014 or 2015 or so. it worries me that karzai is our best guy there in afghanistan because he has had a lot of ethical problems. a lot of corruption that he has not been willing to stand up to. we need a in afghanistan that understands the difference between right and wrong and that will really use the country s finances in a way that will stand up the economy so that people can see that there is a future ahead of them that is not involved in killing americans and killing nato forces and apiecing extremist appeasing extremist elements. we need a strong leader, one able to stand up to extremists and if karzai is the best we ve got that worries a lot of us in washington. one more question before we go. karzai is under tremendous pressure not just from the united states but war lords and tribal leaders there many of whom want to prosecute u.s. forces or nato forces for collateral damage or what have
states where it is not legal or not. we begin this hour with a free speech decision from the highest court in the land. unanimous decision that could make prime time television even less family friendly than it is now. our justice correspondent joe johns joining me now with a pretty i guess you could say eye opening details. let s talk about what is at issue here. and how this is a coup for broadcasters. that s true. but i caution that we probably shouldn t go too far in calling this a sweeping ruling. this is an ball what goes on broadcast tv and how much power the federal communication commission has to regulate it after the fact that dhoept have a rule in place to handle the situation. we are talking about three incidents here, two concerned, isolated utterances of obscene words during two live broadcast aired by fox television stations, the third occurrence occurred during an episode of a television program broadcast by the abc television network. this goes tall way
so, the divisions that you see in the afghan society itself, they are starting to come out, so we are just seeing a replay of decades of internal afghanistan struggles which are just playing themselves out here, and the one note of good news on this, obviously, as we approach the anniversary of the death of bin laden, afghanistan is not that important anymore as a base for al qaeda. there certainly is a continuing terrorism threat but it is not located in afghanistan per say. so, we have lots of other places that the war on terrorism continues but not afghanistan part of it, to a degree, once we pull out and the place falls back in chaos, it is what it is. shepard: and it has been your assessment what will happen and hard to find an expert who thinks otherwise. who will pay for all the people? someone has to pay them for years and years and years. reporter: again, that is a huge problem. there is no natural resources. so, if you want to go in and try to fix afghanistan, you have to s
when you talk to the folks many them are still doing the best they $the troops are over there feeling like they are training people individually but that is at a small what we call tactical level. if you teach one, two, 20 or 100 to do well the problem is, we talking to the wrong people. the real issue is the sectarian divisions, the war lords and taliban. and nothing we do training up a few members will equip them with what they need in terms of logistics and financial backing and the ability to move weapons quickly and to respond and react and shape the environment. so, unfortunately the report will be more rosy than the reality. shepard: you say the real problem is there is a trust gap. reporter: between us and them and, obviously, that is a result of some number of afghans as we heard, more than we have been told, turning their weapons on our guys. that is a huge problem. so we don t trust them. but, they also know we leaving,
any old time. any old time. absolutely. coming up, diamonds are forever, but war lords are not. i ll tell you what teachable moment i drew from this week s conviction of lliberia s former ruler. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we re bringing humanity back to life insurance. that s why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it s our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at