we were in the white house last week, and nancy pelosi was saying you re not going to be able to pass a $5 billion wall cr, basically the idea was they needed money for they needed votes from democrats to pass the cr. and part of that was the conservatives had all these ideas about asylum policy riders. there was a lot of conservatives who were concerned about the disaster aid that was added to this. because it was a political vote, a posturing vote, it goes to the senate where it s clearly not going to pass. but republicans can say, no, we you know, we went with the president, we voted this way, and now it s just sort of a standoff between the two chambers. i should note, though, just to be clear, the $5 million is american money, in the from the mexican government. not pesos, no, correct. i want to be clear. $5 billion of american public funds, not mexican funds.
week, and nancy pelosi was saying you re not going to be able to pass a $5 billion wall cr, basically the idea was they needed money for they needed votes from democrats to pass the cr. and part of that was the conservatives had all these ideas about asylum policy riders. there was a lot of conservatives who were concerned about the disaster aid that was added to this. because it was a political vote, a posturing vote, it goes to the senate where it s clearly not going to pass. but republicans can say, no, we you know, we went with the president, we voted this way, and now it s just sort of a standoff between the two chambers. i should note, though, just to be clear, the $5 million is american money, in the from the mexican government. not pesos, no, correct. i want to be clear. $5 million of american public funds, not mexican funds. i want to bring in nbc news capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt who s been covering this all day. i saw you at the press conference with chuck
today by saying that the head of jpmorgan chase, jamie dimon, should step down from his position on the board of the new york fed where his job is to essentially regulate his own bank. the senate race in massachusetts this year, it s wall street s favorite senator versus wall cr. elizabeth warren joins us next. havi ng a n irregular heartbeat havi called atrial fibrillation ng a puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don t wait. go to afibstroke.com for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that s afibstroke.com. i bathed it in miracles. director: [ sighs ] cut! sorry to interrupt. when s the show? well, if we don t find an audience, all we ll ever do is rehearse. maybe you should try every door direct mail. just select the zip codes where you want your message to be seen. print it yourself or find a local partner. and you find the customers that matter most. brilliant! clifton, show us overjoyed. no! too much! jennessa? ahh! a round of
i think the terrorists are over there. tro crawl over this way. no one will see you. x-nay on surprise-attacka. it is not important. jill, i m with you. kno joe, i m with you. i don t really know well, sh we will falk about it after the show.ot talk about it after the show. you say it is not that hey, screwed badly, but that he screwed at all.cr but he screws a lot which mean means he has no excuse forly screwing bad.be j or maybe he just doesn t care. i m sure he has a perfectly good talent.far and he do not care. car also, kudos to you, bill forgeting in a dock brownk bro reference. under underground british com rappers don t get enough plays. these days. that sounds cooler so i will go with it. by the way, in an interviewwe with the times of t london, says