decorations and public space. for more on holiday stress, hay let s go to chin monkey forlet g analysis.or chin monkey, what s the. latest, old buddy? tt s that s f t you can t recover from st that. he tooalk my talking points, greg. i got nothing. i don t i don t know where my brain is right now. a sc, as an atheist do trees depress you? no, because i grew up with them and i celebrate them with u my family. g but i can buy it.with when somebody is celebrating something that doesn t include you you get depressed.sed. i see a menorah and i say where the f are my eight presents? at least st. patrick s day ifshn you are not irish you can tro drink your troubles away.
hero.he you give them a lot of g credit to coming up with two a different personalities. applied and been turned down for many reality shows. so you are at the bottom oft the barrel. and they were all porn-related rally shows.n i have to say if th is theh sid case and we are to look at a porn stars better than realityta show stars, amateur porn, are they the reality show actors are of the porn world? and that is my hypothesis, but i am still forming it so irj urge any and all viewer to send send it can i say that we are almost on our 1,000th slow 1,0 and this may have been the most absolutely stupidest story. any chance to crap on a i reality tv show.admi i hate to admit it wheren the porn didn t look thatey wert great and so maybe the guys didn t do that good a job of
do something nice, why doesn t i he fund the groups? a little christmas spirit and all. i m going to end on a snaphe then. okay, end on a snap.end sna go c was christmas tree dressing be more depressing?rding people who did not identifyho d themselves as christianshris reported they felt less l self-assured and had fewerured h positive feelings overall whenth in a room with a christmas tree. says social psychologist and soc jerk michael schmidt of theraer simon frasier university w students that were polled,ot s quote, simply having this hin 12-inch christmas tree i wonder if that was really as t tree in a room with them madem w them feel less included in thesi university as a whole whichnc is a pretty powerful affect from a one, 12-inch christmas tree in one psychology lab.tis even worse, a tree felt worse ie when there was a tree in the room. was m there was a yearly debate over d
grow up and get over it, ibui completely agree.eld some would see a tree andi an go tha or any symbol, a party andcel a celebration. you don t have to be a symbol of anything. it could be people working out together and not talking to you. maybe that does it for you, greg. y. the reason is you are not being invited to the birthdayilh party.he could the affect be polluted by the idea that ita t was a tiny rise common a tiny christmas tree. chr tiny christmas trees arey boring because they remind you. of shut ins. 12 inches is tiny for you, sir, but i think wow. this is definitely done in england because inflicting frons to someone else isea the we like the idea.hing you like the idea you do something in your religion that disallows us from. participating.e do that s how we do things here, greg. ifeg the tree was magestic
as far as celebrities speakingt, out, celebrities are mostly like anti-defamation groups.s they take simple stands for black and white issues and never get their hands dirty. h i hate lady gaga. she is an idiot. as far as her tears and pride are concerned, i also have tears and pride when i heardehe her music.becaus tears because of how it soundsvr and pride because i neverf bought an album. so it is an endorsement. wouldn t it be nice if people consumed by this issue, this narrow issue actually a dam gave a dam about other areas of the military? absolutely, and they don t. they are no nowhere on these issues. i wish somebody would painty them as pro troops and pro war like they deserve to be. er if i ever have children whichki luckily foreman kind probably not, i look forward to the dayrl when i can proudly tell them about this courageous littlembot