base. to show he s not doing his job. and there is a base that s not just republican, it was people who wanted to say things change. and eventually in the conversation moved to impeachment in an earnest way, then the country is going to start learning more about impeachment. anyone who 457has not gone backd listened to barbara s speech during watergate, it s supposed to be for high crimes, misdemeanors, misusing your office. i hear you. if the argument is merely look what an awful president he is as opposed to look at this crime he committed, that s a whole different conversation. we ll talk more befo32020 and elizabeth warren in a moment. up next, i wonder if you remember this conversation from 2008. you re likable enough,
we hurt ourselves and our creditability. yes. that we have to fully expect and pay the price for that. jpmorgan chase chairman jamie dimon who s a critic of increased regulation on wall street talking about his company s massive multibillion dollar trading loss last week on meet the press yesterday morning. the reason he s saying it was a dumb mistake they made, this thing they did that they don t understand why they did it, it was just stupidity, nobody else would have done something this dumb. the reason i believe he s talking about it that way is because he wants his company s mini meltdown on wall street to seem like a one-time deal. something that will never happen again, a freak accident. certainly there don t need to be pruls stopping wall street firms to take on that risk again. they definitely don t need anymore new rules. joining me is elizabeth warren. she came up with the idea for
for a reason. actually they call him that for two reasons. you might remember what scott brown did when they were first writing the wall street rules. you remember his specific contribution? they thought there was going to be $19 billion in implementation costs for the new rules. hmm. who should pay for the $19 billion in implementation costs after the wall street meltdown nearly destroyed the american economy? who s going to pay for that? those implementation costs were going to be paid for by the banking sector. seems like a no brainer. scott brown amended the bill so the banks would not have to pay the costs. you would. taxpayers would have to pay them. $19 billion. that alone probably worth wall streets investment in u.s. senator scott brown. more importantly, scott brown is the only thing standing between elizabeth warren and the united states senate. elizabeth warren is the founder of the consumer protection financial bureau. she s the democratic party s likely u.s. senate candid
wall street, a lot of wall street, knows which side they want to invest on in that. elizabeth warren, likely democratic candidate for senate in massachusetts. thank you very much for your time. it s nice to have you here. thank you. thank you for having me. i should note we have invited senator brown to come on this show many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. he s welcome any time he wants, but he doesn t even return the call. just so you know. republicans focusing on rolling back women s health rights. couldn t be. they re the jobs, jobs, jobs folks, aren t they? more on that ahead. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to m
the consumer financial protection bureau in washington. professor warren, thanks very much for joining us. it s nice to see you. oh, it s good to see you, too. does what just happened at this giant bank mean we should all be worried that wall street is as risky for the country, as out of control as it was when they crashed the whole economy in 2008? well, here s how you have to think about it. they crashed the economy in 2008. we had to bail them out because otherwise we were headed for the stone age, financially speaking. so, what happened next? what happened was that the companies that brought the economy to its knees did not take any responsibility. all during the question about financial reform they fought it tooth and nail. they side, no, no, no, we can t go there, no matter what. they lost that fight, but then they just moved to a war and it