Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film Pathaan broke records in 2023, earning over Rs 500 crore and contributing 60% of the first quarter business. But 2024’s first quarter has been disappointing for Bollywood, with major releases like Fighter and Maidaan failing. The industry is now reevaluating budget, star fees, and promotional strategies to make a comeback.
The Election Commission has asked for a response from BJP and Congress regarding complaints against PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi, and Mallikarjun Kharge for their remarks. PM Modi has been accused by opposition parties of making divisive statements during a rally in Rajasthan’s Banswara.
Feeling intimidated working with experienced colleagues like Mrunal Thakur with Shahid Kapoor? Learn how to overcome the initial awkwardness, build strong relationships, and leverage their expertise to accelerate your professional growth.
In today’s edition: What’s next in Bilkis Bano case; Uma Bharti on Ram Bhakti and the BJP; fissures in INDIA bloc; Indian tourists in Maldives; why Aditya is at L1; and more