i m my grandfather, my uncle, my son and my grandson my grandson is now serving. my son is now serving. we got to work to encourage people. our nation can only be secure if we have those people who are willing to, in a volunteer force, step forward to protect and secure this nation. bret: and congressman takano, just to leave it here for people who say look up to capitol hill and say nothing getting done and it s a partisan mess and congress doesn t work, you know, what do you say to them? well, i would say look to the veterans affairs committee as a ray of hope. i have worked well with chairman bost. i believe that these recruitment numbers are going to improve. i believe this generation of americans is every bit as patriotic as previous generations. we need to make sure that they know about the tremendous v.a.
suicide is too many. you know, we have been working to make sure that one our veterans we implemented the new veterans 388 number to make sure veterans can have access to the hotline whenever needed. we expanding and look into each program and the successfulness of each program and also making sure that we re providing and working with our community providers that can provide mental health care early on to meet those needs of our veterans no matter where they are, whether they are close to v.a. or not close to a v.a. we cannot afford to keep that number where it s at. we have got to do everything in our power to bring it down. bret: congressman that can know, you all have this compact act under the veterans comprehensive access care. compact act. veterans with acute suicidal crisis can go immediately to any v.a. or non-v.a. healthcare facility for emergency
if we allow this, our forefathers died for this country. i go to i m a veteran. i go to the v.a. hospita, thl ai see people walking around wam. ed foreg, without an ar they fought for us. they died for us. they lost parts of their body for us. how do you think these people feel when they go homn te and look in the mirror? everything they gave for us and we reverythie sitting back and . absolutely nothing. i don t i care how much power tt on their side. we have the people. the people are the power. if we don t talk, if w e don tn we r say something, then we re part of it. we become complicit.t. hat what s going on? so that s how i feel about it. and i feel very strongly about it now that i changed my life. i fight for a lot of things. thithe opthe open borders, poor people pouring in there, invadingey r our country by them millions, not tens of thousands. millions. and we do nothinilg. jes