and assets to keep afghans alive because the government has done nothing. it s had a horrific effect on the mental health. 88,000 calls to the v.a. hotline in march alone. the most on record. brian: i know the people there and suicides follow up there and other people said i give my life. i lost my limb. i lost my family, and this is the way it ends. here is a response from a gold star family to general milley saying i will give you accountability. watch. the issue is not the briefing. the issue is not the lack of information during those briefings. it is the disregard of intelligence. it is the disregard of planning. that s what you should be apologizing for. brian: you agree? i think i do. the statement on accountability, we have had two years for accountability. there s been none. the distance between the leaders and the led is vast. it seems to me that our diplomats, our politicians and our generals are tone deaf to what our warriors and our families are going through right