The after effect of 2016 but i think a lot of people exaggerate how much the polls were off ok they were but i mean since 0 significant. Even if they had the same margin of error this time again a lot of the polls would say the outcome would be no different by the way so simple question then youre probably the ideal person to ask your digital person ok should we trust the polls. I trust the polls as a strong indicator of whats going on but we have to understand what they are saying and their limitations so 1st lets talk about what the polls are saying using 1016 as you mentioned as an example so in chick out the 16 b. Average of said that hillary had about an 85 percent chance of winning well that means the coals were also saying that she had about an 85 percent chance of losing so if youre picturing hillary rolling the dice. Pollsters dont control it she rolls that one in 7 chance where she loses so thats what the polls are saying were talking about chances but we also have to conside
Talking about the normal limitation so every poll has a margin of error for a reason and we know that theres going to be groups that are under counted in 2016 it became notorious for undercount counting the impact of education levels this year we dont know what its going to be it could be women for example right now biden has a 26. 00 point lead among women so theres probably very few women for trump to grab so to speak but if women stay home they will be handing the election over to trump and then we will be saying that the polls got it wrong but whats special this year is the unique challenges to 2020 the polls dont account of correctly for Voter Suppression because we dont know how big the impact will be we do know one where people have access to voting its an advantage to democrats were less people back to voting its an adventure publicans but whats especially. Unique this year its the 1st time that we have an american president casting doubt on the Election Results before they eve
About chances but we also have to consider the polls limitations so in this year i think of it as 2 sets of limitations we have the normal limitations that happen every election cycle and then theres limitations that are special to 2021st talking about the normal limitation so every poll has a margin of error for a reason and we know that theres going to be groups that are under counted in 2016 it became notorious for undercount counting the impact of education levels this year we dont know what its going to be it could be women for example right now biden has a 26. 00 point lead among women so theres probably very few women for trump to grab so to speak but if women stay home they will be handing the election over to trump and then we will be saying that the polls got it wrong but what special they fear is the unique challenges to. 20 the polls dont account of correctly proposer suppression because we dont know how big the impact will be we do know one where people have access to voti
Media, National Security and intelligence. This is an hour and a half. Without objection the chair may declare recess at any time. Before i begin, i want to go through the usual housekeeping matters. First, todays session will be conducted entirely on an unclassified basis. All participants should refrain from discussing any classified information. The committee is conducting the virtual hearing in compliance with House Resolution 965 and regulations for the committee proceedings. Its being broadcast live on the committees website. Because the threat posed by the pandemic is ongoing we will do this remotely to ensure the safety of the witnesses, members, staff and public. While we wish we could return to all standard inperson events, health and safety particles dictate we find alternate means of carrying out our obligations. Okay. So, let me remind members of a few remote procedures. First, consistent with the regulations the committee will keep microphones on mute. Members are respons
They may need if they can. And its a reminder really here, and the reason i am bringing this to you as the top news right now of the hour, its a reminder how many tools this Prior Administration simply declined to use during the Ongoing Health crisis weve all been living through. Here is the bottom line, keeping it very clear. Under the traditional rules of obamacare, americans who qualify for those health plans, they must sign up within basically six weeks out of the year, and thats accept, unless they can prove they had a, quote, Major Life Change. Now think about this tonight. Havent we all had a Major Life Change since the virus hit in 2020 . What President Biden is doing with this new order is applying that straight forward logic. Call it logic. Call it humanitarian. Call it with a you want, to empower people to sign up now outside of that usual legal window, which can deliver more health care coverage, especially to people who may urgently need it, given whats going on. As for th