They may need if they can. And its a reminder really here, and the reason i am bringing this to you as the top news right now of the hour, its a reminder how many tools this Prior Administration simply declined to use during the Ongoing Health crisis weve all been living through. Here is the bottom line, keeping it very clear. Under the traditional rules of obamacare, americans who qualify for those health plans, they must sign up within basically six weeks out of the year, and thats accept, unless they can prove they had a, quote, Major Life Change. Now think about this tonight. Havent we all had a Major Life Change since the virus hit in 2020 . What President Biden is doing with this new order is applying that straight forward logic. Call it logic. Call it humanitarian. Call it with a you want, to empower people to sign up now outside of that usual legal window, which can deliver more health care coverage, especially to people who may urgently need it, given whats going on. As for the wider Reform Proposals here, well, funding Better Health care is something democrats say they want to do in this congress and a covid and jobs relief bill. All of that will require action down on capitol hill. Just like the last debate over those 2,000 stimulus checks stalled out when republicans just shut down any action, any wider goals beyond what joe biden, President Biden can do with his pen will take getting something to the house and senate, where many republicans are not even doing the usual thing that used to happen in the first few days of a new president. Theyre not even publicly pretending to have an open mind about this new president s plans. And that brings us to the other Big Development tonight, and theyre related in a way. Speaker pelosis counterpart, minority leader mccarthy went today, amongst all the things you can do, when you have a new white house and staff and cabinet nominees and all that, he took a trip down to meet with expresident trump at maralago. This is widely seen as mccarthy bowing to pressure within the party to make good and go back to being simpatico with expresident trump and walkway from something you may remember, because it seemed like a big deal when it happened, republican mccarthys initial assertion that donald trump was responsible for the insurrection riot. The president bears responsibility for wednesdays attack on congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by president trump. Except to share responsibility, quell the brewing unrest. Quell the brewing unrest. Do you remember that . We follow this stuff closely in the news. So i can tell you about it was about two weeks ago. That is how the Republican Party looked, at least for a moment, two weeks ago with a longtime trump ally facing the facts that donald trump summoned the rioters to d. C. And to Quote Mccarthy Or Old mccarthy, that Quelling Unrest might help curb news like this tonight thats ongoing. Dhs warns rightwing extremists emboldened by that very attack are posing a rising threat. Member car thinks threat widely seen as an effort to walk whatever he was claiming, to walk it back. House republican leader Kevin Mccarthy, he is down in florida to meet with drumplt. Kevin mccarthy meeting with him today to essentially try to mend fences. Now he is down at maralago as we speak meeting with the former president. To make amends facetoface, and to make clear House Republicans still stand with a twice impeached president. Sometimes the news is pretty straight forward, and my job is to make sure were giving you all of the facts. This is one of those times. This obviously matters for the Security Threats that face our nationwide now, which are as serious as a heart attack. I will tell you, though, it also matters beyond that, because it dovetails with these important questions for the approach President Biden is taking as he continues to talk to republican outreach and a biden unity. An elected republican who has power in the government is publicly subservient to the expresident who doesnt have any more formal power, who doesnt even have a twitter account. He is not allowed to do what a lot of citizens do every day, which is just speak in public on platforms because they deemed him such a threat for inciting violence. If this elected republican cant even stand by his statement condemning that same type of Political Violence because of pressure over just a few weeks, then how much time should the new president spend appealing to those types of Members Of Congress who lost their power because of what the voters did, who are talking up more obstruction when the nation is desperate for some kind of relief On The Issues weve just been reporting on, from Treating Covid to expanding the vaccine to expanding health care during this crisis. To kick us off tonight we again with Gene Robinson and daniela gibbs lege. Eugene, your thoughts. Well, look. The question you posed, how long should President Biden seek bipartisan consensus, i think the answer should be for a while longer as the covid19 Relief Legislation progresses and gets assembled and gets marked up. You know, i think he should continue inviting republican to collaborate and to join in the effort with the knowledge that it doesnt look like they want to do that. It looks like they want to it looks like theyre so afraid of donald trump and the Republican Base that they dont want to participate in bipartisan government, in which case President Biden and congress should proceed with 1. 9 trillion relief bill, which is the first item agenda. Thats got to get through. They should proceed with it on the basis of a House Majority and reconciliation in the senate, if its got to be Just One Party bill, its got to be that way. You dont have to want it to be that way, but its got to get through one way or the other. Daniella . Yeah, i think gene is 100 right. Youve got make the republicans who vote against this bill that is going to help millions and millions of americans or make them, force them to obstruct it. You know, there are very smart people who are working in this white house. They know whats happening on the hill. They though who theyre dealing with. Im sure they are ready to move this any way that they need to do. But i do think that its important for President Biden to show what it means to be president , and that means that you do try to actually work across the aisle. It means you do actually give people an opportunity to come to the table and try to compromise on some things. And when the Republican Party shows them that they are who we thought they are, then you use your pen, you use the other tools in your tool box to get relief to the american public, because thats whats most important right now. Our panel stays. I want to add to our discussion on the primary reporting. Katherine lucy, White House Reporter for the wall street journal. She has been covering president bushs opening agenda and the road ahead. Tell us about some of what you found in your reporting about why theyre specifically trying to do so much. There is an expression some time where people say oh, youre doing too much. Theyre very deliberately saying no, were showing we can do a lot. The federal government has that particularly if were staffed with the right experts. That seems to be what were hearing. Tell us what your reporting shows. I think thats right, ari. They really want to show that theyre diagnose a lot in these first few days. They spent months planning a real blitz of action in the first ten days of this administration. To really show that they were ready to lead, that they were ready On The Issues, and to try and set a tone of turning over and rolling back former president trumps policies. So what weve seen early on has been a lot of executive actions. Some of them are geared ail liberal policies. Some of them are reversing or rolling back trump policy, things like rejoining the paris climate acard, for example, or reversing the ban on transgender people in the military. Theyve pushed very hard on these things. To your points at the top of the show, there is a couple of pieces to his agenda starting out, there are things the president can do with his pen, executive actions. There are things they can do within the Executive Branch by rule, which take a little longer, but they can do, but the big things they have to go to the hill and they have to work on legislation. And that is going to be the big test for them. In the coming weeks, starting with this covid package. Right. And this is where there is this opening window historically, traditionally, but certainly extra, eugene, given the pivot america is going through. There is also the question how soon does this president try to make it very clear to everyone we want to vote tomorrow on the covid relief bill. With all due respect to the deliberative process, and im a lawyer, we talk and think, youve had plenty of time since march to think about how hoe coe individual has affected the economy, how unfair its been to regular worker, how unfair its been to essential workers, and whether or not you want to start having votes to fund that or not. So there is that pressure tactic. The other thing that hangs over this, gene, is just very serious divisions and the looming Political Violence, something you have spoken out on. Take a listen to congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. In the House Republican caucus, Kevin Mccarthy answers to these qanon Members Of Congress, not the other way around. This is extremely dangerous, an extremely dangerous threshold we have crossed because we are now away from acting out of fealty to their president that they had in the oval office, and now were talk about fealty to White Supremacist organizations as a political tool. This is no longer about a party of limited government. This is about something much more nefarious. Gene . Well, you know, at very little political cost to himself, Kevin Mccarthy could deal with some of them. He could move to sanction Marjorie Taylor green in some way. He could put an end to the linkage, the tight linkage were talking about and some members of his caucus to tell them to cut this out and make an example of taylor green. But i dont think he can do that. I dont think he is that kind of leader. As i say, i dont think that would come at a high political cost for him. I think he would come out of that looking better in the eyes of his caucus and many voters, but i dont think hell do it. He is a weather vane. He went to maralago to bend a knee to this disgraced president who has twice been impeached and according to pew has a rates approval at 29 . I dont see bravery coming from him. I mean, daniela, i know that were supposed to just move forward, but if youll permit me a little recent history that politicos may remember, those of us who lived through it remember when the Obama White House was taking heat because van jones, who then worked in sort of an environmental Green Jobs Program was in trouble for something he signed a decade back that he said he didnt remember. And they said well, to be very clear, were just cutting ties. And it was nothing like and im not making any false equivalency to what were talking about here. What does it tell you to genes point that its a very low bar to just put up some guardrails if somebody is going just straight qanon . Yeah, i was in the white house when that whole thing happened with van jones. And it is just a stark reminder of how far this Republican Party has gone, and how beholden they are to the most extreme element of their party. You know, like we said, it is a very low bar, and there is very little i think political damage to Kevin Mccarthy to say White Supremacy has no home here, you know, to not have representative green sit on the Education Committee when she said that the massacres at sandy hook were a Conspiracy Theory or didnt happen. That is disgusting, you hear me . Disgusting. Daniella, just to echo you, and then ill give you thehhese lies, she shouldnt be on the Education Committee. I wouldnt even trust her on the miseducation of lauryn Hill Committee if they had a misEducation Committee. She should be nowhere near the word education because she is full of falsehoods. And i say that, as some viewers may remember, i had a lot of Trump Officials on. We had Boris Epshteyn on last week. There is a important and healthy role for vision ruse debate, but it cannot be packaged in lies. Daniella . Exactly. The world of alternative facts, were done, were done with it. And there is proof and then there is everything else. And it really saddens me that we have Members Of Congress now who believe these things. We look at other countries and we sometimes laugh and Point Fingerers at their legislative bodies when they start fighting each other or when they have people who say really out, offthewall things, and now its here. Kevin mccarthy, if he was a leader who was worth a damn, he would do something about it. Im running over a little bit on time. But katherine, a final word from you as a journalist in this opening period. What are you keeping an eye on . What should we be watching for in the days ahead . I do really think to go back to the point at the beginning what were watching for is how this is going to play on the hill in the coming days and weeks. President biden ran as someone who could unify and has decades of experience working in the senate, has said he can work in a bipartisan way, has really tried to strike that tone. But how long can he try and do that . I think that will be the biggest test for him. Well see in the coming days. Yeah, and something that a lot of ace reporters like yourself are watching. I want to thank katherine losely, daniela gibbs ledger. Congresswoman pelosi warning about some of these threats. And coming up, my exclusive interview with bill gates talking big tech, tax, and somor goodies. This is stuff were wearing for the first time tonight. And later, some interesting news about that breakout star at the inaugural, poet amanda gordon. Plus, an update on bernie mittens. Weve got you covered. Back in 30 seconds. Vered. Back in 30 seconds , microwaves, gas ranges and grills. And if youre looking for. We made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. When a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa i do believe, and have i said this all along, that we will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the house of representatives, a threat that members are concerned about. In addition to what is happening outside. Speaker pelosi speaking directly about the danger and threats of violence. Were joined by congressman seth moulton, a member of the House Armed Services committee and a veteran. Good evening, sir. Good evening. How you, ari . Im all right. This is quite serious. You know a lot more about it than most of us when it comes to assessing threats and also not overreacting or overhyping them. Walk us through as obviously not a political matter, not a debate between the parties, but why the speaker is using this language, whs important tonight. Shes right, this is a very real threat. For anyone who doesnt believe its a real threat, just watch the footage of january 6th. This is a real threat not just to the capitol, although obviously weve seen what can happen when a mob attacks a capitol, but its a threat to everyone in america. More americans have died from domestic terrorist than Foreign Terrorists since 9 11. Weve never taken this seriously at the government. Its shocking that despite so many people over the past two decades dying from domestic terrorism, yesterday was the first time that dhs actually issued a domestic terror warning. This is real. And when it comes to Members Of Congress, nancy pelosi is talk about Lauren Bogert who wants to carry a gun into the house of representatives. Why . Because she saw the house of representatives get attacked by a mob that she helped incite. Were talking about mo brooks who went down to the ellipse and helped incite the mob. Were talking about Marjorie Taylor green who is clearly a racist. This is as serious as it gets. Yeah. And i hear your candor. And i think people are concerned and whatever wasnt done enough in warning in publicly addressing this Prejanuary 6th partly according to a lot of evidence because of the administration overseeing some of those Law Enforcement service should be better done this time. How do you as a member of congress navigate something that i know you care about and that is a conflict. Its a real conflict between what is very much our constitutional protection, the speech and debate clause and what members are allowed to do and say, and generally that theres got to be a wide birth for that and what the speaker is battling up against on what we just heard which is the view that there may be things in her view pose a threat and thus may cross the line inside the chamber. Look, the constitution does not allow you to incite violence. The constitution does not allow you to threaten to execute members of the opposite Political Party that you dont like. Thats what Marjorie Taylor green, this representative from georgia has done. So these people need to be held accountable. She needs to be kicked out of congress. How am i supposed to even work with someone like that . Imagine if you consider congressman, im going press you lightly, just to be logical, not to be difficult, because i think part of what you said i think everyone understand, and we take this very seriously. If a member of Congress Says some of those things on the floor, though, its a little different, right . If they have words on the floor, those are highly protected. Very rare to find charges for that. Maybe not charges, but all the time words get taken down. Its a sort of a technical procedure that happens within the house. But there are all sorts of things youre not allowed to say on the floor of the house of representatives because they are deemed diminishing to democracy. So for example, if you personally insult the president of the united states, no matter how bad he is, if i go up there and insult donald trump, those words will not be allowed to stand. So actually the house of representatives does have rules and regulations about that. This is so much more serious because were talking about death threats. Were talking about Members Of Congress Who Espouse Conspiracy White Supremacist theories that have led to violence all across the country, and were talking about members of the house of representatives who want to take guns on to the floor, like this is the wild west. There is a certain point yeah, i got to get you on one more thing, because were running over on time. Just 30 seconds. Senator hawley says his goal was never to overturn the election. He denies inciting the riot. Your response, sir . Just listen to what he said before. There is no reason why anything anyof us should trust anything that senator hawley says. He sun american. He is unpatriotic and he should resign. Congressman moulton, really appreciate your can door in wrestling with these issues tonight. Thank you, ari. Thank you. Weve got a lot more in tonights program. Later, well hear from ezra klein. He has a new piece about the deadline he sees for real changes in washington. But up next, let me tell you, we have something new and very special. Its airing for the first time on the beat. I just talked with philanthropist bill gates. Were going to air key parts of this interview to parts of tech to whether billionaires should pay more in taxes, next. Re in t. Clearly, nothing melts like velveeta. Ah, a package you know what this human ordered . , nothing melts like velveeta. A backache. Consider pain, delivered. Pain says you cant. Advil says you can. This is what Community Looks like. Caring for each other, protecting each other. And as the Covid Vaccine rolls out, well be ready to administer it. Well be ready to administer it. 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Our talk has covered so much ground that now we turn to new parts airing for the first time now, starting with the power of Big Tech Companies and debates over how they can ban users for life. I have a very simple question for you, mr. Gates. When we look at the four Largest Companies in america, we have microsoft, alphabet, amazon and apple. Why are they all Tech Companies . Im biased. I think technology has done amazing things. Obviously weve got to have rules about it, but wow. The magic of software, the internet, the ability to look at data, let scientists collaborate. Technology has done some phenomenal things. And so my whole life ive been evangelizing that lets take advantage of it to improve education, to improve health. There is a lot more to be done, but there is a lot of amazing work those companies are responsible for. And up until my foundation work, that was my whole focus was that work and, you know, it continues. Youre celebrated for it. The company famously took heat for it. Im curious as we look out today, the government definitely went at microsoft for alleged anticompetitive behavior. Were not here to relitigate all that today, but there is a lot of informed people who look at the Big Tech Companies today and think theyre not getting it as hard as you did. Do you think todays ceos know how lucky they may be . And will that change . Well, i think as you go forward, there are a lot of questions. Microsoft wasnt in the social Media Business where issues about political things and conspiracies and how should you draw the line on whats on there. The Tech Companies are so important now, its not surprising that the governments are looking at, you know, competition and operability. So there are lessons or things that microsoft learned as we interface with the government. I hope the others go back and look at how that all went, but it makes sense for government to care a lot about the central role of technology in making sure that we get more of the good and less of the bad. That brings us to something that i really want to ask you about. I have a hunch you may not want to answer it much, but youre so influential in these areas, im going try any way. That is the power of the social Media Companies to publish or delist and ban people is huge. And as you know, the original concern hundreds of years ago was that the government would disappear speech. A lot of people, especially young people who are more concerned about where they are online than anything the federal government might do, are you at all concerned when Tech Companies can make basically unchecked decisions to take people off their platforms that they might get the call right a lot, but then not . Any thoughts or advice on that . There is clearly tradeoffs involved where false information, you know, that causes riots or people not to Trust Medicines or rewrites history like holocaust denial, how do you draw the line . And who is in a position to do that is a great thing for people to be debating. I havent seen a great solution where you draw the line in a way that everybody feels comfortable with who is doing the interpretation and how it works. There has been a lot of bad stuff on social media, and im glad at least some of that has been held back. As you say, you might go too far. But my Connect Career is largely over now. Im a champion for health, and this next generations got to solve this problem. Yeah, understood. Youve always been your own boss. But you also have a little bit of a style that is sometimes called being boss, the difference being, as you know, not whether youre technically the boss, but whether you have that confidence. And we were looking through the archives and we found a great example of this, a young mr. Gates explaining his outlook. Take a look. Do you see yourself working for Somebody Else . I never have. Can you see it . Well, in the sense that we work together. Answering to a boss . Im used to having a company where the ideas that i have are something that i can easily pursue. So i think it would be a tough transition. How important was your confidence in addition to your innovation in your career . Well, certainly when i was young, i had the brashness of youth to pursue ideas that seemed crazy at the time. You know, computer on every desk in every home, the central of software. And it turned out that those beliefs really worked out very well, and thats why have i the wealth that now goes to the foundation and is there to try and provide healthy lives even in the poorest countries. Im lucky. My interests, my personality, my timing all came together so that microsoft fortune is now being given away as best as melinda and i can. Before we lose you, i got to ask you about your role in music and culture. I read that you and melinda like Willie Nelson and the sound of music. But the genre where you are cited most is hiphop. Over 125 songs cite you, mr. Gates, including lil waynes bill gates and rick ross bill gates, and the common thing here is a lot of rappers from humble roots say theyre inspired by both your work ethic and your success. I want to ask you about just three of them where you can tell us whether yes, they got it accurate or maybe no, theyre a little off. And the first is from andrea 3000. And he says what he likes about you is that you not show off your wealth. He says bill gates dont dangle diamonds in your face when he microsofting the place. Accurate or no . Well, lyrics arent the ultimate full description of people i kind of doubt. Im very lucky. I sometimes fly in a plane, i have i dont have to worry about whether im going have enough money to do things like kids education. So i hope taking some responsibility for the lucky position i am in by giving my time to the foundation. But andre seems to like that she doesnt think youre showy. Well, ill try to live up to that. I dont try to be showy. Here is one about a tax policy. This is from young new york rapper joe by badass. He says just had to pay like 60 stacks in tax. Why they take a piece of my assets . Does bill gates have these same fees . Please, i need the answer. Is it accurate that some wealthy people avoid their fair share . You know, ive paid over 10 billion in taxes, and i think you can have a Progressive Tax System where people in my position would have paid more. Obviously you can go to an extreme where you hurt the incentives, but the u. S. Is far short of that. And on my gates notes, you can see some thoughts about u. S. Making making u. S. Taxes more progressive. But im just one voter in that question. And then finally, id love to do a Lightning Round where i say a word to you and you give us your thoughts, a sentence or a word. People can see youre concise. I dont think this will be hard for you. In a word or a sentence, 2020. Recovery. 2021. Normalcy. Your Microwave Dinners that weve heard about. Very dry. And what your next ted talk might be about. Well, my 2010 ted talk was about Climate Change. So Climate Change and pandemics are where im trying to help the world get good plans so we dont suffer the huge consequences. Mr. Gates is a debut guest on our new summit series. These are indepth interviews with leaders at the summit of their fields. I can tell you, you can see this entire conversation, that was an excerpt. The whole thing is online. Please go to the beat page and top link. Search gates on youtube if you want to find the longer conversation. Because this is a new series, if you all have ideas for other leaders with should consider interviewing for this new summit series, send them on over to me at any Social Media Site at ari melber on facebook, on twitter, on instagram ari melber. We will take a look at the ideas. We want to do this with you. A breakout star of the inauguration is stepping into the spotlight. And Bernie Sanders, the mittens, the meme, and now some of it helping a charity. Its a great story we want to share with you before the hour is up. But first, we have a special guest who says go Big Or Go Home with some secrets for democrats. Thats next. Got my brains got my ears got my heart got my soul got my mouth i got life with verizon you dont have to choose between 5g from americas most Reliable Network and the best in entertainment. Get disney , hulu, and espn all included. Unlimited plans include 5g. And, youll get up to 1,000 off our best phones when you switch. Only on verizon. Look at this human trying to get in shape. You know what he will get . Muscle pain. Give up, the couch is calling. I say, its me, the couch, im calling. Pain says you cant. Advil says you can. Welcome back. Turning to politics in the big picture. The white house is now run by democrats because elections have consequences. The voters have turned out in november, gave the keys to joe biden to much celebrating in certain parts of the country. The Congress Is Run by democrats because special elections have consequences that Georgia Runoffs which were initially designed in 1963 as a certain way to dilute the votes of black people, this year they ended up electing a diverse slate of democrats to tip the senate, putting the house and senate both in democratic hands. And while it is early, if democrats control both political branch, why does it always seem like it . There are many answers, but a key factor is how the Republican Party has gone farther to exploit the rules in the system, even when its lost elections and holds far less public support. Republicans essentially stole the Supreme Court seat from president obama, for example, Waged A War Of Obstruction against him on even small items and things they previously were on record supporting. And now som progressives are concerned that biden may not be learning that lesson enough, even though of course he lived through it. And it seems to som that biden is essentially hunting through washington looking for a prominent republican to work with, which these days is like hunting for a live dinosaur on the national mall. Theyre not there. They went extinct a long time ago. This point is more about learning from what was tried than opposing bipartisanship in history, and the history may be instructive. We could pass a Health Care Reform bill this week with more than 60 votes and it would be bipartisan if he just took a few things out of the bill. Despite what you learned on schoolhouse rock, its not all equal. You to have the support of many republicans. They wanted to make certain that federal dollars not be used to support abortion. So theyre not. I think this goes a long way towards meeting the objectives they set early on. Yes, meet their objectives and then watch the gold post swing around and move again on you. The New York Times ezra klein argues democrats water bills down too much, sometimes to compromise, and also fail to ensure that voters would feel publicly and politically the reallife impact of som of those policies. Obamacare took effect fully four years after it passed, which was after those crucial midterms. One strategist telling klein in a very interesting new piece, quote, there is a certain belief among a certain set of democrats that taking an idea and cutting it half makes ate better idea when it just makes it a worse idea. Klein argues there is a solution democrats need to help people and do it fast, regardless of any republican demands. Democrats did win the white house and two seats in georgia. Are they learning . Well, it was a very interesting peete piece, which is why we were joined now by the writer behind the article. s ra klein is now a columnist with the New York Times. Viewers may recognize him from many other jobs as well. Thanks for coming on the beat. Of course. I like that. Is our democrats learning. Go for it. Take it away. I dont are they learning. The center of the Democratic Caucus has moved a lot. You were saying in the intro where is joe biden. Joe biden is not where i wish he were on this, but in comments to me during the campaign when asked about the fill bust. It depends on how obstructive the republicans are. I wish he would push harder son som of these issues. The problem are som of the democrats on the partys right flank, particularly joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, who in response to Mitch Mcconnell filibustering the organizing resolution for the u. S. Senate, which is to say demonstrating, there is nothing he will allow to pass, no matter how basic, no matter how necessary to the functioning of the body. Instead of saying, well, look, we dont want to get rid of the filibuster, but if he is going act like this, we dont have a choice. He reassured them. Of course you can get rid of the filibuster. Well make sure you can do this forever. Thats always been the problem. But a huge issue with the democratic party, its very constrained by what a couple of members on the right particularly in the senate want or dont want to do. Theyre a huge constrain on procedural conform, and thats proving true this year too. Yeah, you mentioned whether the filibuster should be forever or not. I hate to quote outkast twice in one show. Just kidding, as you might know, ezra, or not. But as you last forever, what makes love the exception . And you can apply that to the filibuster. There may have been a time, lets grant the argument that there may have been a time after it was abused to stop civil rights, but before it was so common that it became a simple majority requirement that it did encourage comity with those members. But i think what you have written about literally for over a decade and many others have identified, thats not the case anymore. It has no constructive purpose. You go back far enough, it was racist. You go towards now, it doesnt do anything for bipartisanship. And its not a permanent part of the constitution. So not unlike andre 3000s view of love, maybe the filibuster doesnt need to be forever. The Fill Bust Shore obviously be gone. Ill say a couple of things about this. One, people like to say the filibuster encourages compromise. To that there is a very simple about ojection from jonathan shade at new york magazine. If you think the filibuster encourages compromise, look around. We have more filibusters than weve ever had in american politics. Its not close the last couple of years. And there is more compromise, more party line votes. The simple fact about the filibuster is allows the minority to stop the majority from governing. So what it does is it creates a system that the founders understood full well. Alexander hamilton and James Madison both wrote about the problem of super majority in the federalist papers and said the minority can simply embarrass the majority. The second thing to keep in mind here, lets say it is used for structurally racist ends. One of the things i would really like to see democrats do, or frankly congress do, i would like to see reasonable members of a body thats Princecally A Democracy is enfranchise the people of washington, d. C. Make sure they have representation in the house and the senate and even offer statehood to puerto rico. D. C. Is bicker than two states. Puerto rico would be about 20. Those are places where primarily people who are black and brown live and theyve been disenfszed in our approximately system. Is because the number of places where voters were nonwhite live have not been given full representation. And that would pass if not for the filibuster. And i want to get that in real quickly to those overlapping points. Take a look here on the filibuster issue, president obama. You want honor a job . Lets honor them by revitalizing the law he was willing to die for. Once we pass the john lewis Voting Rights act, we should keep marching. And if all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another jim crow relic in order to secure the God Given Rights of every american, then thats what we should do. Just briefly, he involved on that over his time in office. Does joe biden have eight years to figure that out . No. They have to do this very, very quickly, and democracy reform, as president obama was saying is a great place to do it. You cant get through much of reconciliation the way you can economic issues. If you want to deepen economic issue, you have to reform the filibuster. Ezra klein, having thought it through. He gives it to you clear and fast. I want to thank you for omg on the beat tonight. I want to remind everyone why were polarized is coming out now. Coming up, a little light attend of the tunnel. Well, she captivated the nation. Well show you a little bit more of jimmy fallon with steve kornacki. Okay, you dont want to know whats under there. Honestly, i dont even know. I have none. Youre welcome, steve. naj at Fisher Investments, we do things differently and other Money Managers dont understand why. Money Manager because our way works great for us naj but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. Money Manager so, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . naj nope, we tailor portfolios to our clients needs. Money Manager but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . naj we dont have those. Money Manager so whats in it for you . naj our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Is mealtime a struggle . Introducing oreida potato pay. Where oreida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this. With this. When kids wont eat dinner, potato pay them to. Oreida. Win at mealtime. Heres to the duers. 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She will be reciting a new poem before a new audience at the super bowl next month, and fashionista are calling her the secretary of statement coats. Its not a cabinet level position. And the Bernie Sanders mittens story. The senator has announced they raised close to 2 million for charity all by selling meme related merchandise on his website. And thats not all, you couldnt have an inauguration without an election, and you cant an election without steve kornacki. He just got a surprise visit in his real office by jimmy fallon. Take a look. Is anyone living in here. These gloves are not for covid. You dont want to know what is under there. I dont want to know. Youre welcome, steve. Is steve was a good sport about this the tonight show. Some of the best jokes are true. I have been in steves office back in the day. It was not superorganized. We will be right back with one more thing. 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Good evening, everyone. We get the reid out, with a republican embrace of yet another cult. They ousted one republican in november. But

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