shortly after its founding in one thousand nine hundred. by collaborating they could relocate stateless refugees to places where workers were needed they sent out questionnaires to discover what measures the governments would be prepared to take i bet tomorrow. wanted to turn the international labor office into an organization that could create a macro economic balance between unemployment and labor shortages worldwide now he had a project that legitimized his organization and its role due to the refugees why because no one asks for stateless. refugees. france was one of the countries to play a decisive role at the time france was seen as the united states of europe meaning it was open to immigration yes it was the only country that was in need of workers and prepared to accept them even with halfway open arms.
live in a rural france, have to get the kids to school or going shopping you can t survive without a car so the protest yesterday was about green taxes, if you live in the countryside, it has changed and morphed into something bigger than that. effectively the riots we saw yesterday are increasing voting no confidence in the manual macron. he s pushing for france to be the united states of europe with a european army and the rest of it and the french people ultimately don t like that. his popularity ratings are sinking. the last figure i saw they were below 20% so he is in real trouble. fuel prices, diesel is up 23%, macron saying there s a crisis, he was saying they see my face when they fill up at the gas station. does he deserve the blame for
confidence in nigel farage. of emmanuel macron. he is pushing headlong for france to be in the united states of europe with a european army and the french people ultimately don t like that. pete: macron like all the elites is obsessed with climate change and reducing france s climate footprint. so a gas tax, in u.s. terms, a 30 cent tax per gallon. they do see his face at the gas pump, and that s why 70% of french citizens at this point, according to some polls, don t have any confidence in emmanuel macron. globalism doesn t work that well on your discreet corner if everything s more expensive and you ve got unchecked, unfettered migration in your country as well he s got a real problem on his hands. rachel: it s interesting. there s a lot of parallels between our country and what s happening in france because there s a rural-urban divide. nigel also talked about if you re in europe it s kind of a
extravagance to why i was the first one who was criticized by all this previous us were never criticised for it this was because i was a political figure and people and trying to make the european parliament more influential more powerful and then you earn also such a tax i didn t invent it i earned it and by the way my predecessor have more people in the stuff than me i would use that when i started in two thousand and twelve are reduced the size of my stop the shows a year never never by the way never these people took note of that the decision i reduced the members of my staff in relation to my predecessors which should say year ago you advocated a united states of europe a new constitution for europe you said any country that didn t adopt it should have to leave the european union by this draconian stance who wants who wants a united states of europe these days me for example i want that i suggested because
i think many others really. in the united kingdom for sure not in other countries yes i think the united states of italy poland hungary czech republic croatia are there aren t you think they want. and right wing governments in europe against even ing integration in the european union is not the news this is the case and i m sure proud not to share the view of mr arbuthnot mr kaczynski but if we want to run in future times the european union and the idea of democracy against people like mr trump xi jinping obvious to put it we have to deepen european integration and not to redevelop the european union the kind of lose assembly of national states and this is my deep conviction and that s behind that idea of the united states of europe which will not be like the united states of america united kingdom or leaving the european union ok but france and germany have to deepen their