shortly after its founding in one thousand nine hundred. by collaborating they could relocate stateless refugees to places where workers were needed they sent out questionnaires to discover what measures the governments would be prepared to take i bet tomorrow. wanted to turn the international labor office into an organization that could create a macro economic balance between unemployment and labor shortages worldwide now he had a project that legitimized his organization and its role due to the refugees why because no one asks for stateless. refugees. france was one of the countries to play a decisive role at the time france was seen as the united states of europe meaning it was open to immigration yes it was the only country that was in need of workers and prepared to accept them even with halfway open arms.

Related Keywords

Refugees ,Workers ,Questionnaires ,Governments ,Places ,Founding ,One Thousand Nine Hundred ,Organization ,International Labor Office ,Unemployment ,Labor ,Shortages ,Wanted ,Balance ,One ,Stateless ,Project ,Role ,Country ,Countries ,France ,Arms ,United States Of Europe ,Immigration ,

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