Upcoming events at Framingham Public Library
Community Content
Christa McAuliffe Branch Library, 746 Water St.
For more information about curbside pick-up, returns, PC appointments and on-demand holds services, visit the library s website at https://framinghamlibrary.org.
Upcoming programs and events Framingham Public Library
Brown Bag Learning Series: noon to 1 p.m. April 9. Presented by Susan Maranhao, Wild Birds Unlimited. Register at http://bit.ly/FPL-Events by 9 a.m. April 9.
Yarn Social Hour: 11 a.m. to noon April 12 via Zoom. Register for the Zoom link at http://bit.ly/FPL-Events.
Tone and Stretch: 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. April 12 via Zoom. A variety of functional fitness exercises to tone core, upper and lower body muscles, followed by stretches. If you have never attended this class, register at this link: bit.ly/FPL-Exercise-Classes. If you have attended any of the library s online exercise classes in the past, we already have your information, and you do not need to r