Don't put those shovels away just yet! Two back-to-back snow storms will hit Quebec the week of January 23 to 29 and conditions are shaping up to be intense. According to The Weather Network, Quebec will feel the effects of a strong jet stream heading north from the United States bringing in strong winds and lots of potential snowfall.
In addition to Montreal receiving its first snowfall of the season, Quebec as a whole got nearly 50 centimetres of snow last weekend proving that winter is returning with one heck of a vengeance. Well, it appears as if the snowy conditions aren't going anywhere as Environment Canada issued a few weather alerts for various parts of the province, including a snowfall, and snow squall warning.
It appears that winter isn't over just yet! Although spring weather is finally looking up, Environment Canada is throwing Quebec a curveball (or, should we say, snowball?). A lot of precipitation is set to hit the province, with freezing rain and up to 25 centimetres of snow predicted for some areas.