next in line for this next position because you ve watched the crown on netflix more than anyone else stateside, your state position. of course, the british subjects await your response to this news. it s a big deal, and he s i think going to still be active. i m not quite sure why they felt compelled to make the announcement. it shows america s fascination with the royals is second only to bill neely s. exactly. he just seemed to be popping out of his chair. couldn t stand it. come on. bill was very excited. he s a straight newsman. he looks amazing, doesn t he? 96 years old, physically he looks great. i m with bill neely. in and out of the hospital a lot the last few years. as bill pointed out, keeping up a couple hundred engagements a year with his plaques and ribbons. you ve done charts on this,
around president trump. you haven t heard the secretary of state, certainly haven t heard jared kushner or the key players who would be involved in this. other presidents have appointed middle east envoys. that hasn t happened at the state department level yet. it s hard to say that the administration has a clear deal, not even committed to a two-state solution. it remains ambiguous what the trump administration is setting up to achieve in the middle east other than a comprehensive peace deal. what that looks like remains completely ambiguous. ayman and jim, thank you. we ll talk to some of the key player this is morning as the republicans push ahead for a vote on the health care bill today in a few hours. later, he could probably do without all the presidential tweeting this morning. senator bob corker is here wit his free advice to the president. ep it here on morning j.
palestinian conflict. jerusalem. it didn t even come up with the press conference yesterday on the american side. you heard president trump when he made his statements in these glowing i want to make a beautiful peace deal. we can make it reach peace between the israelis and palestinians. you can see the difference when you heard the palestinian authority president speak. he laid out what those core issues are, jerusalem, refugees, borders, settlements. the complexities of it. international law. how do you solve jerusalem? at the end of the day, how does get solved? international law, whether sides agree to have joint sovereignty over it, a split down the middle and east jerusalem becomes the capital of a palestinian state t depends on whether or not you can get these sides to sit down and agree. can there ever be a deal if hamas isn t at least part of it?
maybe not sitting at the table but quietly talking to the palestinian authority saying, okay, we re listening. we re not saying we re going with this, but we re listening. we will not kill you for striking a deal with the israelis if we sign off on it. yeah. you cannot have a peace deal with israel and the palestinians if all of palestinians are not unified in a single representative body. we don t want to say this, but hamas has to, at least, have a sort of sign off on it. oh, of course. not just hamas. so many other palestinian factions that yield considerable influence but perhaps hamas is the most powerful that can create instability of the palestinian authority and plo to negotiate a deal with israel. the palestinians have not had that now for some time. they ve tried to make efforts. it has not succeeded. that has worked to the advantage of the israelis in continuing to be able to do what they want to do. where is the give? where could there be compromise?
michael burgess from texas. we have bob costa with us. let s bring in bob costa. what s going on? i woke up, joe, to text messages from my sources at the white house and their phrase was game day. they re seeing this i guess, as the culmination and the time to come to the field and get some votes. it s been quite a challenge for them since late march when the bill was pulled. i asked them what got you here to the vote? privately they said it was about president trump and the white house stepping back, letting congress work its will. mark meadows, the freedom caucus, the tuesday group, to crack these negotiations and compromises. president trump wasn t involved in tryinto cut the deal. it was congress that had to find its way here. wow! by the way, we have donald trump we ve been celebrating this morning. i know. highest ratings ever.