work can be closer to home. pay more. make us proud. careerbuilder. work can work. find your work at shut up about politics ain t nothing but a big pile of dirty tricks tired of all the fighting and the fit shut up about politics ainsley: that is awesome. john rich is one half of country duo big and rich and game changing artist with his hit song shut up about politics. steve: that s right. all the proceeds from that song going to folds of honor to help provide scholarships
is something so compelling and overwhelming and here is the important word bipartisan, i don t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. he s just not worth it. that s what she said then. here she is last night on tv. well, i think what s important, the most important thing for the american people to realize and understand is no one is above the law. we don t want to impeach a president. we don t want the reality that a president has done something that is in violation of the constitution. but this was something that you could not ignore. brian: could not ignore. brian: i love this statement, no one is above the law. nobody wants to impeach a president. there is not one democrat that could pass a lie detector test and make that statement. steve: they wanted to impeach him on the first day. brian: basically high fiving on the floor. tell the american people how serious you are about impeachment and how reluctant you are to go through with it go to a comedy show
instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. there are things we would change about work. and there are things we wouldn t. when work is worth it. work is worth it.
new york city rather than pass spending bills. steve: i didn t hear anybody laughing. brian: they are laughing and clapping. less been b. comedy but more anti-trump pep rally. ainsley: nancy pelosi said back in march you have to have bipartisan support in order to impeach a president. did that happen yesterday? steve: no. every republican voted against it. 232 democrats were for it. 196 were against it. now, when you keep that number up for just a second. when the house voted on put the number up again for a moment. thank you very much. when the house voted for impeachment for nixon, it was 410 to 4. when the house voted on impeachment for bill clinton, 31 democrats were in support. yesterday, every republican was against it, even the retiring members of congress, however, two democrats joined the republicans. they were from trump districts but they said
they should all be treated with dignity and respect. steve: our next guest worked with that nominee says the left is deploying lies and smears. you are going to want to hear that next. searching for a way to help stop your cold sore? only abreva can get rid of it in. .as little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. there are things we would change about work. and there are things we wouldn t. when work is worth it. work is worth it.