shifted to the hard right. you ve had more settlement, political parties represented in the israeli government, not inclined to have a two-state solution. by that, really a peace deal. they want to try to maintain the status quo. perhaps even a one-state solution, which obviously would be problematic for both sides. certainly on the israeli right of this government. jim vandehuy has a question. you saw him smirk when trump is talking about how easy it would be to get peace. what do those around him say? not a lot of clear consensus in the trump administration as to what the administration s position will be. when trump was next to netanyahu, he said two state, one state, it s up for them to decide. that s not yet clear from the administration, including those
around president trump. you haven t heard the secretary of state, certainly haven t heard jared kushner or the key players who would be involved in this. other presidents have appointed middle east envoys. that hasn t happened at the state department level yet. it s hard to say that the administration has a clear deal, not even committed to a two-state solution. it remains ambiguous what the trump administration is setting up to achieve in the middle east other than a comprehensive peace deal. what that looks like remains completely ambiguous. ayman and jim, thank you. we ll talk to some of the key player this is morning as the republicans push ahead for a vote on the health care bill today in a few hours. later, he could probably do without all the presidential tweeting this morning. senator bob corker is here wit his free advice to the president. ep it here on morning j.