doesn t have the goods, so it comes across as a political statement intended to help his favorite, ron desantis, down in florida. martha: you don t see that stone cold thief statement i don t hold race got into that one. martha: i watch the whole thing. i don t think that is fair, but i think it is libelous. if you come out and say juan williams is a thief, why would you say such a thing? what evidence you have of that? martha: the thing with the hamilton tickets come i m not saying it is substantiated, but the contest happening in that race, that is what he is talking about. if you say someone is a thief, i hope you have evidence beyond he took tickets from an undercover fbi agent. from the president s perspective, the ongoing probe into tallahassee corruption martha: he said that. but there is nothing in the fbi, they aren t saying he is the target. martha: they are investigating the office.
only other developed nation to have this rule, according to the imf. others also have it, but the move sparked some outrage. this is ridiculous that we have this role? it is not ridiculous that we have this role, this will within the constitution. there is no precedent, there is no legal authority, no basis for this suggestion. in the president of the united states, in office to uphold the constitution, he is trying to defy the constitution. martha: but if you look back in history, this idea has been discussed, obviously, since the original debate of the 14th amendment, and the meaning of the words of that amendment have been wrangled with for decades per jeb bush, also suggested that perhaps the amendment should be revisited, as did harry reid. making it easy to be an illegal alien offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant. no sane country would do that, right? guess again. if you break our laws by
seaside condominium in santa monica. after getting a tip in 2011, the fbi raided the condo and found fake ids, numerous weapons, at $800,000 in cash. bulger was then convicted on a laundry list of charges, including his part in 11 murders, though some investigators believe he killed dozens, along with racketeering and money laundering charges. catherine was also convicted on lesser charges, and is scheduled to be released from prison in 2020. whitey bulger who gained the nickname as a kid because of his blonde hair, had been serving his life sentence at a prison in florida, but he apparently threatened a prison employee and was transferred to the hazleton prison in west virginia. he was killed just a few hours after arriving, and is the third inmate killed at hazleton in the past seven months. the prison union said the facility is severely understaffed. martha. martha: quite a story, thank you very much, trace. here now, joining me someone
it s not unusual, i just think the president makes things worse by being so aggressive in the retort. martha: i think you re absolutely right. most presidents have complained about the news, the clintons complained all the time. certainly that s not new. but the term enemy of the people obviously gets people riled up but the president doesn t ever hesitate to use it. he thinks it works for him. washington didn t think jackson was worthy. they hated him. trump in d.c., they hate him in d.c. they both go to big crowds and explain the story, that s why they re both successful and keep in mind for trump haters, jackson was just as powerful after he left the white house than when he was in the white house because everybody would come to him for advice and try to get some power. you don t like donald trump, he s not going anywhere even if he leaves the white house. martha: history is the most important decider of presidential success. we will see. thank you very much.
have you heard the report? my the first one telling you this? yes. i m sorry to be doing that. can you tell me what your reaction is? no. he is her brother. i know he is. i don t have anything to say. martha: what do you make of that? jackie bulger, his younger brother, played a heavy price for being his younger sibling e went to prison for a while about four visiting a florida bank where whitey had a safe deposit box. it is like the godfather, this is the life we chose, right? this is the life that bulgers chose. the trial, martha, was amazing, back in 2013. at one point, one of the victims, his girlfriend, catherine, who trace was referring to, she was a divorce.