The high court on Monday asked the Uttarakhand government why a CBI inquiry should not be initiated in the case of illegal constructions and felling of 6,000 trees in Corbett Tiger Reserve
KBB declared GKVK a biodiversity heritage site in 2010. The site spans 167 hectares and features a variety of agro and biotech research plots, nurturing flora and fauna. It is one of Bangalore’s greenest areas.
During the construction of Phase 1, which commenced in 1998 and concluded in 2005, the DMRC cut down 13,858 trees and transplanted 3,584 trees. Phase 1 involved the creation of a 65-kilometre-long rail network comprising 59 stations.In Phase 2, carried out between 2005 and 2011, the DMRC axed 17,997 trees and transplanted 3,052 trees. The construction of Phase 2 encompassed a 125-km-long rail network with 89 stations.
Appreciates residents effort to save trees, urge them to undertake plantation. In protest, locals had formed human chain and threatened to move SC against PWD’s plan.
This year, the whole of Bangladesh is experiencing unprecedented heat waves. The intense heat has reached a point where opening the windows makes the situation worse instead of bringing in relief in the form of a soothing breeze. Millions around the country, especially the lower middle class, day labourers, farmers, and people who work outside are suffering greatly.