During the show, two world records came out from the city of Jaipur where Chef Mayank Gopalia and Arbind Sharma of Oven The Bakery prepared a 160 kg cake in 8 hours. Peanut butter and eggs were added keeping in mind the good diet of street dogs. Jaipur Dog Show 2023: Unique World Record Set by Making World’s Largest Cake for Stray Dogs To Raise Awareness (Watch Video).
During the show, 2 world records came out from the city of Jaipur where Chef Mayank Gopalia and Arbind Sharma of Oven The Bakery prepared a 160 kg cake in 8 hours.
Pet owner finds horrifying note next to ‘poisoned’ bone left for her puppy because he ‘barks too much’
Updated: Apr 20 2021, 17:57 ET
A PET owner in Australia found a horrifying note next to a poisoned bone left for her puppy because she barks too much .
Cheri Blair, 66, rushed her Portuguese Podengo Jolene to the vet after discovering the strange bone in her backyard in a north Sydney suburb.
The seven-month-old pup Jolene was immediately rushed to the hospital on MondayCredit: 7News
Speaking to the Mail Online Ms Blair explained how at around 6am on Monday morning she had let out Jolene for a walk.