Cal State San Marcos film studies teacher Jonathan Berman spent seven years working on "Calling All Earthlings," about the '50s-era space alien channeler and his futuristic Integratron invention
Bay Area pop phenom Tony Molina calls in to talk about his tour (and friendship) with the Softies and the scene in SF. Also, previewing the most wondrous weekend of the year: MUSIC WASTE WEEKEND. Hope to see you in the pit.Music Waste runs Thursday to Sunday across East Van: musicwaste.caTony Molina plays the Biltmore with The Softies, All Girl Summer Fun Band & Mo Troper on Sunday night.The Aislers SetThe Last MatchThe Way To Market StationMar-KeysThe Complete Stax-Volt SinglesAbout NoonTony MolinaIn the FadeLeave This TownTony MolinaIn the FadeBurn EveryoneThe SoftiesHe Will Never Have To KnowHe Will Never Have To KnowAll Girl Summer Fun Band2Dear Mr. & Mrs. TroublemakertonkThanks for WaitingCountry DoctorMy Name is Del?? 2023 ??xParadazeJon McKielBobby Joe HopeManagementbananahauswelcome to the bananahausmouse trapM01ES01E03 / THE WINDOW ON THE STREET ???? / best consumed at volume: 70% - 95%[Losing Meaning 2022] - UPPER - reject everything with indifference ?Yo La T