39,000. in oakland 33,000. but the reality is the reality is for years huge gap between what americans think when he hears poverty and east coast the old way that the government defined it when you see the mainstream media running a story on poverty saying they are 49 million poor people. they will feature a homeless family but only about 2% of the poor are homeless. in fact, the average poor american lives in a house or apartment that is larger than the average nonpoor french men, german or englishman. 80% of under the old definition had airconditioning. two thirds cable tv. half of them have a computer. a third of them have a wide screen hdtv. a quarter of them have a tivo. if you have them was anyone in your family hungry at any for even a single day during the last year? the overwhelming majority will say no. they have access to medical care. they have no hardship whatsoever.
gen x generation that felt disconnected and couldn t change the world as opposed to the baby boomers. they don t feel they want to vote or get involved, but other ways they want to change the world. here s one way i think they ll change the world maybe indirectly. i look at that poll that they took asking these young people, you know, if you re going to vote, how did you make up your mind? debates, family and friends, news, associate media. way down at the bottom of the list television ads, 5%. think about the viewing habits about young people it s about dvring things and tivo. look at this election. how much money is spend on ads? how dependent they are running ads. if this is the future, imagine campaigns 20 years from now. i m skeptical when you ask voters to tell you how they make their minds. they say negative ads dope won work. who watches it live anymore. everybody is dvr-ing.
start businesses. in the spotlight tonight, words that bind according to tivo. the segment of the debate that was rewound and watched more than once more than any other segment of the debate was this. we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women s groups and said could you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women. earlier today paul ryan tried to explain what his running meant by binders full of women. all he simply meant was he went out of his way to try and recruit qualified women to serve in his administration when he was governor. that s really what he was saying. the binders full of women came up in an answer to a question about equal pay for
[ laughter ] i don t know if you were listening last night, but, see, we don t have to order up some binders to find qualified, talented, driven young women to learn and teach and thrive and start businesses. in the spotlight tonight, words that bind according to tivo. the segment of the debate that was rewound and watched more than once more than any other segment of the debate was this. we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women s groups and said could you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women. earlier today paul ryan tried
that he put in his own paul ryan budget. you can be for that thing or against that thing but cannot simultaneously be for that thing and against that thing not if we re supposed to take you seriously on policy which is supposedly the whole idea of you. which brings us to the issue of the stimulus. today tivo said, not your personal tivo but tivo the company said this was one of the top two most watched moments in last night s debate. look at just the $90 billion in stimulus. the vice president was in charge of overseeing this. $90 billion in green pork to campaign contributors and special interest groups. i love my friend here. i m not allowed to show letters but go on our website. he sent me two letters saying, by the way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of wisconsin? we sent millions of dollars. you did ask for stimulus money. sure, he did. on two occasions we advocating for constituents who were applying for grants. that s what we do. we