minus the fees from your broker, of course, grandma. did they warn you about those fees? the republican plan in the second bush term to privatize social security was a political disaster. the more president george w. bush traveled around the country and talked about this idea, the less popular the idea became and it started off about as popular as food poisoning. and at the time george w. bush was traveling around the country promoting this disastrous idea, back in washington, back in the house of representatives, a young radically conservative congressman from wisconsin was promoting legislation in the house that would privatize social security even faster than the bush plan. and more radically than the bush plan and with an even bigger direct payoff for wall street. even the bush administration at the time denounced paul ryan s version of privatizing social security as irresponsible. but he really believed in it and he did not give up on it. after trying and failing along with george
endorses it. not one democrat who signed the plan. our partner is a democrat from oregon. and he said he does no longer support you for that. we put it together with the former clinton budget director. this idea who disavows it. this idea this is a bunch of stuff. look, here s the deal. what does that mean, a bunch of stuff? well, it means it s simply inaccurate. it s irish. it is. we irish call it malarky. thanks for the translation. the idea if you heard that little soliloquy on 47% and you think he just make a mistake, i think you re i got a bridge to sell you. with respect to that quote, i think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don t come out of your mouth the right way. but i always say what i mean. and so does romney. we want the right is all upset today because vice president joe biden interrupted a lot and smiled a lot and openly laughed at paul ryan all night long. i can see why they would be upset.
that he put in his own paul ryan budget. you can be for that thing or against that thing but cannot simultaneously be for that thing and against that thing not if we re supposed to take you seriously on policy which is supposedly the whole idea of you. which brings us to the issue of the stimulus. today tivo said, not your personal tivo but tivo the company said this was one of the top two most watched moments in last night s debate. look at just the $90 billion in stimulus. the vice president was in charge of overseeing this. $90 billion in green pork to campaign contributors and special interest groups. i love my friend here. i m not allowed to show letters but go on our website. he sent me two letters saying, by the way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of wisconsin? we sent millions of dollars. you did ask for stimulus money. sure, he did. on two occasions we advocating for constituents who were applying for grants. that s what we do. we
but when you complain like this, it really is one of the ways that you can tell you re losing. on both sides. look, last week, even during the presidential debate between president obama and mitt romney, the obama campaign tried to push on twitter the idea that mitt romney was being inappropriately testy. they tried so hard to push the testy mitt idea. they tried so hard to make that into a thing that people should feel about that debate. he got testy about it. he got testy about being on defense. i think that came across to the american people. a testy governor romney who spent the entire time on defense. i think for some folks at home it probably came across a little testy. yeah, no. nice try. i mean, maybe mitt romney was testy, at the presidential debate, and maybe joe biden did laugh in paul ryan s face all night at the vice presidential debate. but that is in part because these guys, mitt romney and joe biden, were pumped and they were pumped because they were obviously w
to laugh in paul ryan s face. thus signaling to the moderator, to the audience and importantly to mr. ryan, himself, essentially, okay, man, seriously, this has got to be a joke, i m not going to let you get away with that. and that strategy put mr. ryan on the defensive. it rattled him. that drove the right nuts. and listen, both sides do this. both sides complain like this, but when you complain like this, it really is one of the ways that you can tell you re losing. on both sides. look, last week, even during the presidential debate between president obama and mitt romney, the obama campaign tried to push on twitter the idea that mitt romney was being inappropriately testy. they tried so hard to push the testy mitt idea. they tried so hard to make that into a thing that people should feel about that debate. he got testy about it. he got testy about being on defense. i think that came across to the american people. a testy governor romney who spent the entire time on defense. i