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24-year-olds are facing 11% unemployment. the average student debt is around $30,000. they are the runs going home and eating ramen for dinner and living off of pizza and beer. that s what dead break is like enemy cases. i don t think that s what hillary clinton was encountering. i m interested in this 200 grant per speech. i covered a lot of races. i never heard her say a single interesting thing in a speech. who would pay $200,000 to hear her speak in that seems like almost fraud. hillary clinton is traveling around doing a whole bunch of book tours and a lot of lines of people lining up to listen to her. i m not sure what the ticket charge is to get into that event, i m certainly not putting down money for it. what do you think about leaving the white house if you can t have your personal finances in order? what does that say about you possibly running the white house, running america if you can t keep your own pocketbook in order how are you going to keep the country s pocket