E-Fuel Corporation: “Rejected Energy” the Real Culprit Behind Climate Change and How to Stop It
E-Fuel Corporation: “Rejected Energy” the Real Culprit Behind Climate Change and How to Stop It The E-Fuel Corporation, a Texas-based technology firm, has come up with a revolutionary way to repurpose the largest energy source on the planet ˜rejected energy, which experts have identified as a leading cause of climate change. According to research conducted by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the US Department of Energy, rejected energy accounted for an astonishing 67.5 percent of the total energy consumed within the US in 2019. To put this in simple terms, if you placed three gallons of fuel into your vehicle, only one gallon provides mechanical energy to rotate the wheels and the remaining two gallons are rejected through the radiator, tailpipe, and engine friction heat into the atmosphere. Even electric vehicles Reject Energy constantly during battery char