new questions about the source of substantial loans congressman george santos campaign. the embattled republican caught in a web of lies as you know previously claimed he made personal loans to his campaign totaling more than $700,000. but a new filings with the federal election commission boxes indicate that loans of 500,000 dollars and $125,000 come from personal funds well, those were left unmarked. i want you to turn to cnn commentator joan goldberg and ashley, and i have a mcken, let s begin about these questions around the loans, what are you learning about the loans he allegedly gave to his own campaign. the broad outlines of this story that you mentioned, that is absolutely correct. he previously said that he personally loaned his campaign $5 hundred,000 that was in the filing, he also i iterated this, went on the podcast with congressman matt gates not too long ago and suggested that this academy from his personal wealth. in these amended filings, he s now changin
push this off on financial folks. i don t know anything about this. also, another sort of curious component to think in new filings today, campaign officials listed thomas datwhiler as the treasurer of several of his committees, cnn reached out to him and this man says, listen i spoke with him they didn t asked me to come on as treasurer but i declined, he s not the treasurer according to his attorney c how impactful is this taking a step back, obviously i think the american can understand quite easily the idea of somebody lying, the idea of a resume, the idea of conversations around a gofundme. but the idea of fec filings, i wonder if that translates the same way. i long thought in a proper world he would have had shame