i ll tell yo u that now. also tonight, take a look at a screen. in a minute, w youe will hear fy our very own sarah carter righth here on set, who was accosted ae by far left protesters on the streets of new york . here s a quick preview of what went down and out of here. get out of here. get out of here with this fireball. we are here in peace and love from your general liberal pea democratic psycho. anyway, we havove the full videt . thank god she s okay.ad, sh straight ahead, she lle telllll us a story, but we begin only a few blocks away where former president trump was arraigned on thirty four felony charges. now, yesterday, for allegedly mislabeling a couple of documents, basically. now, of course, these charges were cooked up and stacked by a manhattan d.a. by the name of alvin bragg. if any fansf al hervie to ful a political fantasy campaign promise, which i have a big problem with , and like many liberals, dreams of seeing donald trump in orange jumpsuit onne b
bootstrapped to an unstated t crime to manufacture felony chargenufacturs. headl and look aint this headline, fae news, cnn. why would i ever quote them as a source anyway? so not exactly approach.exactl i love this crowd. not exactly a pro trump organization. aughter]quote, why the manhatta. case against trump is so pathetically weak. i and here s the left wing website vox .com. en t a they re not a fan of minene anyway. wragg built one of the most controversial high profile criminal cases in american history. upon the most uncertain of foundations and that foundationn could crumble into dust. and then there s thihes headlini from the new york slimey times that trump indictment is a legal embarrassment.l wow. embarr wow. assmeni write even the new yorks gets it right once in a while. meanwhile, on tv, you ve got the media mob. liey were visibly disappointed, liberal joe and co.. thouought they were going