controversy. then we ll discuss. listen to what you said. marriage is between a man and a woman. it is a well established, fundamental pillar of society. and no group, be they gays, be they namla, be they people who believe in beastiality. doesn t matter what they are. they don t get to change the definition. so it s not something that is against gays. it s against anybody who wants to come along and change the fundamental definitions of pillars of society. all right. you said that actually on tuesday to sean hannity. it s causing a lot of controversy. i want to give you a chance, dr. carson, to explain what you meant because it sounded like you were lumping in gay marriage with basically criminal activity whether beastiality or the man/boy love association. go ahead and explain. sure. okay. well, first of all, let me say that my comments are my opinion. they have nothing to do with john hopkins.
no group be they gays, be they namla, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn t matter what they are, they don t get to change the definition. it s not something that s against gays. he said nambla. republicans aren t doing themselves any favors. alexander burns writes in politico, that on marriage equality, the republican party has positioned itself at odds with young, educated and politically independent voters and he argues, the only obvious way to square that political circle in the short-term is by a sweeping supreme court decision. until the issue is settled once and for all, conservative intolerance will dominate the discussion and continue to alienate people from their party. aside from the fact we re talking about namla and people who want to marry animals, would it be better for the republican