was out there saying how dangerous this was, you do, this the next thing you know, people are going to want supreme court justice, taxes again what are republicans doing? we have always had our presidents taxes audited. not to mention, trump wants to run again, so it should just be part of the process. does kevin brady think the american people do not realize this, and, by the, way wouldn t we be happy to see supreme court justices taxis. i would love to know where the money comes from? i think that is what we call stephanie, and i would probably is one of these donald trump jr. s comments, that is, okay i will forgive you on that one. these guys are so wrapped up in their own bubble, if you had turned over suffered what have been on after that speech and just the vitriol being pushed at zelenskyy over at his outfit, the surge defenses of trump going over the tax returns on the 16 committee released today,
that point, we are really only now arguing around the margins of gun control. there is probably no chance that we can get a high-capacity magazine ban. even though clearly in order for adam lanza to do what he did, he had to have that 100-clip magazine. how is it that for all that passion we saw from the president, that with all of this agreement among everyone that you ve got to do something dramatic. that we re looking at barely what counts as gun control. a big part of the way, the anti-gun control forces have been effective is by sort of pitching this as like look, they re taking something away from you. that fills a lot of people with fear and it resonates with a lot of people s ideas about the government. that they re doing these things, they re taking these things away from us. it s a slippery slope to the next thing. pretty soon they ll be talking about assault weapons and magazines and that creates a powerful political force that is bigger than 10%, just by itself. i think t
no group be they gays, be they namla, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn t matter what they are, they don t get to change the definition. it s not something that s against gays. he said nambla. republicans aren t doing themselves any favors. alexander burns writes in politico, that on marriage equality, the republican party has positioned itself at odds with young, educated and politically independent voters and he argues, the only obvious way to square that political circle in the short-term is by a sweeping supreme court decision. until the issue is settled once and for all, conservative intolerance will dominate the discussion and continue to alienate people from their party. aside from the fact we re talking about namla and people who want to marry animals, would it be better for the republican
on the hill can handle. in terms of oh my god, crisis thing that we must get done. i want to make sure we understand that it s not like they were not doing anything. i want to give senator blumenthal the last word. will the people of your state be satisfied, if what we get out of gun control is something on background checks, but nothing on magazines? i think we re going to achieve a measure on illegal trafficking, which by the way law enforcement folks and i ve been a prosecutor for a few decades, involved in law enforcement will say is one of the most effective things we can do, a ban on illegal trafficking, straw purchasing. background checks are important. school safety. and there will be an amendment on the floor and i m going to be helping to spearled that effort on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. the people of the state will be satisfied if we have a vote and we push forward. thank you so much, senator, richard blumenthal.
one thing i m wondering in the next presidential cycle, after herman cain and after sarah palin we will view more cynically candidates who seem to be running for president as a way to amp up their speaking fees in the future. over the bus. i think herman cain and the whole issue of taking money from his campaign. ha do you think his speaking fees are up? before he ran for president? before he was the head of a pizza chain. now he has a nationally syndicated talk show. there s something to be said for the sort of presidential ambition for marketing strategy. you have had people in the past that have used it to relaunch themselves. newt gingrich i don t know if he thought he could be president but he brought himself back on to the national stage. we laugh at sarah palin, she is funny, but she still has relevancy. there s a palinite caucus within the republican party.