Continuing with our “on the third book of CHRISTMAS” theme, did you know that of all the birds being given – we’re looking at you partridge, turtledove, swans, and geese – only the pesky French hen is a purely domesticated animal? (We have no idea what a calling bird is, though.) Armed with this vital bit of useless information, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the bird watchers from XTRENDS – will immerse ourselves in the .
A CHRISTMAS story. Imagine a hotshot PD – let’s call him Jacob Marley – walks into his GM’s office to pitch a new format. This format will span eras and genres, the PD opines. “What artists would we play?” queries Mr. Ebenezer, the GM. “A plethora from ANDY WILLIAMS to ED SHEERAN, from BRENDA LEE to MARIAH CAREY. The ‘40s through today,” says the PD, “and we’d be #1 in a book!” The GM leans forward, a thoughtful .
CHENGDU, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) Some 291,000 fish, including the rare mullet and 7,000 Chinese sturgeon, were released into the Minjiang River, a major tributary o
get set for holiday seasons, santas are showing up at unusual places like under water. have a look at this. the sharks and fish at this aquarium at budapest got a special visit from drivers dressed as the jolly old elf. they waved at kids and put up christmas tree. in seoul, a submerged santa fed the fish while performing bubble tricks. have a look. translator: during the show, santa puts across a very warm message. we prepared the show to make people happier during the tough times of the coronavirus pandemic. now the swimming kris kringle will be joined by elves in the upcoming christmas show. i m kim brunhuber. i ll be become in just a moment with more cnn newsroom. stay with us. americans are you one of thf