Okay. Okay. All rIght. Good afternoon. Theyre. All rIgh gought. L stay but. But only for one drInk. S Its frIday, so you knowo Yo What that means. Lets welcome tonIghts guests. HIs razors are the opposIte of act, not terrIble. ComedIan and founder of Wester N Razor company davId angelo. She says bless your heart. Before she rIps you apart. Cohost the Bottom LIne at fox busIness. Do you gIve a call and he madesI hIs bones kIll It. Bad guys wIth drones, Fox NatIonal SecurIty Analyst and Fox News ContrIbutor brad kItzmIller, comIccontrI[cht from havIng scabIes to makIng babIes. New york tImes best SellIng Author bucks. ThIs contrIbutor got to. Ats my favorIte rhyme scabIes In babIes Is accurate awesome. All rIght. Thaaccurate some news storIes, lets do thIs. Yeah. The Open Dregs leftovers. Mm yeah, Its leftovers the where I read the jokes we dId use thIs week. And as always Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. So If they , well send Joe Mackeyd not to vIew dresseda cupcake. Donald trump Is pla
have nothing to show for it. you haveve n no close friends. your family is in tatters of your two surviving children. one is a drug addict and theher other you re only living.daught daughter has been arrested repeatedlyer hasee and has also wound up in rehab. she blames her compulsions withhe fact you took showers with her as a child. you ve never been charged for doing that. s that y but everyone around you knows that you did. at this point, your wife thinkss so little of you that shekeep w demanded you keep working despite the fact she knew perfectlyor she k well thau had dementia. in retrospect, your life has. life amounted to a very sad story.ado and saddest of all, it sry almot over weeks from now youth will turn 80 . this is the point inis is your journey where a decent man turns inward. old age is the pause that god gives us to reflect on whate we ve done and what we ve left. undone. ifd e all, to ponder where we might be going next. ho you re joe biden, you would pon
Live coverage here on msnbc of tonights president ial debate between President Joe Biden and former president donald trump. We said it would be a debate unlike any other. It certainly was that in this first ever ly was that in thi came out of the s gate with firsa t ever go unexpectedly weak voice. Voice that at times made it hard to discern. The Campaign Said it was the result of a cold. He did seem to falter several times early on in terms of trying to speak in a way that could be heard in in terms of speaking to time as the red lights, Flashing Red Lights came on to stop him as the rules of the debate indicated two minute and one minute segments. This is a live shot weve got right here. President biden and First Lady Jill Biden walking out on stage. This is at a watch party in atlanta. You mightve noticed at the very end of the debate, as soon as the moderators said good night, boom, lost the shop. We did not get to see President Bidens wife, the first lady, or anyone else walking o
so how d you do this? did well, you know what?t beca i did itus because of you, i be tucker. i bet you don t evene that y reh this conversation that we had. soon so remember when i called you first, i said that i justi talked to a well-knownju talky h show host, won t say the name who discouraged me from doingou this, said, look, greg, you ve going.yod thing you got the five you ve goting one night a week on saturday. you know what i mean? you don t want to kick too hard. i go, okayi , it waokay. and i made it. and i wasn t going to do it. cad then i you know what? fim going to call you and before i even finishni sen the sentencetenc, i go. so i m thinking about the showt, going nightly. you just start laughin you jg. d yo u did your tucker laugh. you have caught you re going t c do it. that sou you said of course you can to do it.do you have twho do it. and you kept saying why wouldn t you do it? and you kept giving excuses. u saidan no, no, no, no, no.a ta you re doing thallt so an
available.. i m just stating a basic fundamental but fastest way to restore roe . roe is wa depassde national law codifying roe , which i will sign immediately upon its passage. i m at my desk. people might not be having enough t abortions, too many babies in this country that sou joe biden at exactly the moment when there are fewer babies than ever in this country. > but joe biden wants even fewer. so he s directing h.h. us to do whatever it can. he s establishing an interagency task force, reproductive health care access that means more abortion. merrick garlandct, of course, is supposed to be the attorney general. reallyto g malicious buffoon. he s part of it.it. why would attorney general be part of that to mandatebo abortions, arrest if you have enough abortions? ary because but biden said all of this is necessary because more abortions are, quote, the practicece o of medicine. this is a horrific realityif that roe sought toic end