to put democrats over the top this november. and that while the nations at strategic will reserve remains in those, we have not seen sinc 1984, the president is planning to tap those reserves once agai in an effort to bring down soaring gas prices. it is a move his critics call political. we decided to have the politica panel way and and it wouldn t d no, three weeks before the midterms that there is an effor to get a handle on the optics o the border crisis fox new @ night investigates how the whit house is turning up the pressur on local politicians. plus the world s leading superpower, that s awesome. has a quote weak military it s an alarming analysis of our military mike and it s raising some big time questions by some big time generals. we begin tonight with the president s top legislative priority and how it is vastly different from the issues of voters is essay is in their top concern. at the white house corn kevin corke s live in nations capital. good evening this
senators, neither of whom ar regrettably in the room righ now. but i would like for them to know that what happened to me, i think most people would agre was horrific it s a direct result of th policies they support. and nearly died on their watch furthermore, as a result o what happened to, me i may hav been robbed if - it s because of the policies that they support. there s a marine testifying for senate judiciar committee about her home state of texas denying her i abortion the nearly killed her in the process she was 18 weeks along when sh found out that a miscarriage was inevitable, but the states ban that the doctors could not intervene until she was septic and dying. she told her story on this sho last month, and she has joined four other women and two doctors in suing the state o texas. stories like commanders ar
texas woman but her senators republican senator john cornyn and ted cruz for supportin that radical anti abortion law in texas in a hearing in the senate judiciary committee on the pil rolling, amanda told her story of witnessing a rupture 18 weeks into pregnancy, the subsequent infection tha almost killed her, and did result in permanent damage t one of her fallopian tubes i wanted to my address my senators, crews in court, an neither of whom are in the roo right now, but i would like fo them to know that, wha happened to me i think mos people in the room would agree was horrific but, it is a direct result o the policies that they support i nearly died on their watch and, furthermore, as a resul of what happened to me, i ma have been robbed of th opportunity to have children i the future and it s because of th
and, to me, the thing that i the most frustrating is how is it that so many people continu to believe in the promises tha republicans make on what the will do, knowing that th policies that they implement are hoarding them every single day. yeah, the discrepancy between the narrative and th action - discrepancy is the wrong wor to use, it s like a chas between the narrative that the party is proposing and the actions they take the when the are in power i guess i wonder in the broade context of the negotiation that the white house will have to do with this republican conference, how do you think biden and democrats should pla their hand in terms of negotiating with people wh seem incredibly willing to tak the country off a cliff, unless,
children are getting, they are lost on the level of employments that people ar receiving, they are last on al of the resources that should b available to any community tha lives in a thriving sofi society like we do here in the united states. so many people are convinced b their lies, because what the republicans have done is tel one story, and implement policies that tell the opposit of that story. and, to me, the thing that i the most frustrating is how is it that so many people continu to believe in the promises tha republicans make on what the will do, knowing that th policies that they implement are hoarding them every single day. yeah, the discrepancy between the narrative and th action - discrepancy is the wrong wor to use, it s like a chas between the narrative that the