to put democrats over the top this november. and that while the nations at strategic will reserve remains in those, we have not seen sinc 1984, the president is planning to tap those reserves once agai in an effort to bring down soaring gas prices. it is a move his critics call political. we decided to have the politica panel way and and it wouldn t d no, three weeks before the midterms that there is an effor to get a handle on the optics o the border crisis fox new @ night investigates how the whit house is turning up the pressur on local politicians. plus the world s leading superpower, that s awesome. has a quote weak military it s an alarming analysis of our military mike and it s raising some big time questions by some big time generals. we begin tonight with the president s top legislative priority and how it is vastly different from the issues of voters is essay is in their top concern. at the white house corn kevin corke s live in nations capital. good evening this
to put democrats over the top this november. and that while the nations at strategic will reserve remains in those, we have not seen sinc 1984, the president is planning to tap those reserves once agai in an effort to bring down soaring gas prices. it is a move his critics call political. we decided to have the politica panel way and and it wouldn t d no, three weeks before the midterms that there is an effor to get a handle on the optics o the border crisis fox new @ night investigates how the whit house is turning up the pressur on local politicians. plus the world s leading superpower, that s awesome. has a quote weak military it s an alarming analysis of our military mike and it s raising some big time questions by some big time generals. we begin tonight with the president s top legislative priority and how it is vastly different from the issues of voters is essay is in their top