someone you know and on that note, i wish you a good and safe and health night. from all of our colleagues across the networks and nb news, thanks for staying u late, i ll see you at the en of tomorrow. remember when a mint company had ten that s a candidate for president? remember that? the company was tic tac. and in october 2016, the released this statement. tic tac respects all women we find the recent statement and behavior completel inappropriate and unacceptable tic tac was referencing a newl unearthed tape from 2005 where you could hear 201 presidential candidate donal trump describing his own vulgarity. i get to use some tic tac just in case i start kissing her. i m automatically attracted to beautiful women, i just star kissing them, it s like magnet just kiss. i don t even wait. and when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. by this point, you know how that statement ends. with the suggestion that it is okay to grab women by thei generals agai
and, to me, the thing that i the most frustrating is how is it that so many people continu to believe in the promises tha republicans make on what the will do, knowing that th policies that they implement are hoarding them every single day. yeah, the discrepancy between the narrative and th action - discrepancy is the wrong wor to use, it s like a chas between the narrative that the party is proposing and the actions they take the when the are in power i guess i wonder in the broade context of the negotiation that the white house will have to do with this republican conference, how do you think biden and democrats should pla their hand in terms of negotiating with people wh seem incredibly willing to tak the country off a cliff, unless,
children are getting, they are lost on the level of employments that people ar receiving, they are last on al of the resources that should b available to any community tha lives in a thriving sofi society like we do here in the united states. so many people are convinced b their lies, because what the republicans have done is tel one story, and implement policies that tell the opposit of that story. and, to me, the thing that i the most frustrating is how is it that so many people continu to believe in the promises tha republicans make on what the will do, knowing that th policies that they implement are hoarding them every single day. yeah, the discrepancy between the narrative and th action - discrepancy is the wrong wor to use, it s like a chas between the narrative that the