Cleveland In 1974, two months after his wedding, Isaiah Andrews’ spouse Regina Andrews was murdered. That was just the beginning of a lifelong ordeal. Andrews, who passed away this month in Cleveland, spent the next 45 years in jail for a murder he did not commit. In 2018 Ohio Innocence…
State superintendent candidates faced off twice in 24 hours this week, reiterating their policy goals and defending their resumes in front of groups in eastern and southern Idaho. The field’s three GOP contenders repeated familiar talking points at forums in Idaho Falls Wednesday and Twin Falls Thursday. Terry Gilbert, the only Democrat running, made his […]
Terry Gilbert, a candidate for Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction said, according to a prepared release, voters shouldn’t be fooled when they hear candidates talk about “school choice.”
IDAHO FALLS – As Sherri Ybarra seeks a third term for state superintendent, reading proficiency for Idaho’s students is her primary focus. “As a former third-grade teacher, that’s very near and dear to my heart,” Ybarra tells Better parental involvement in a child’s education is another focus of her re-election campaign along with attracting […]